- class unreal.PBIKSolverSettings¶
PBIKSolver Settings
C++ Source:
Plugin: FullBodyIK
Module: PBIK
File: PBIKSolver.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(bool): [Read-Write] Allow Stretch: If true, joints will translate to reach the effectors; causing bones to lengthen if necessary. Good for cartoon effects. Default is false.iterations
(int32): [Read-Write] Iterations: High iteration counts can help solve complex joint configurations with competing constraints, but will increase runtime cost. Default is 20.mass_multiplier
(float): [Read-Write] Mass Multiplier: A global mass multiplier; higher values will make the joints more stiff, but require more iterations. Typical range is 0.0 to 10.0.min_mass_multiplier
(float): [Read-Write] Min Mass Multiplier: Set this as low as possible while keeping the solve stable. Lower values improve convergence of effector targets. Default is 0.2.root_behavior
(PBIKRootBehavior): [Read-Write] Root Behavior: (Default is PrePull) Set the behavior of the solver root. Pre Pull: translates the root (and all children) by the average motion of the stretched effectors to help achieve faster convergence when reaching far. Pin to Input: locks the translation and rotation of the root bone to the input pose. Overrides any bone settings applied to the root. Good for partial-body solves. Free: treats the root bone like any other and allows it to move freely or according to any bone settings applied to it.start_solve_from_input_pose
(bool): [Read-Write] Start Solve from Input Pose: When true, the solver is reset each tick to start from the current input pose. If false, incoming animated poses are ignored and the solver starts from the results of the previous solve. Default is true.