
class unreal.OnMeshTrackerUpdated(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: unreal.MulticastDelegateBase

Delegate used by OnMeshUpdated().

  • id (Guid) – The ID of the mesh section in the Block that was updated.

  • vertices (Array(Vector)) – List of all vertices in the updated mesh section.

  • triangles (Array(int32)) – List of all triangles in the updated mesh section.

  • normals (Array(Vector)) – List of the normals of all triangles in the updated mesh section.

  • confidence (Array(float)) – List of the confidence values per vertex in the updated mesh section. This can be used to determine if the user needs to scan more.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MagicLeap

  • Module: MagicLeap

  • File: MagicLeapMeshTrackerComponent.h