
class unreal.NiagaraGlobalBudgetScaling

Bases: StructBase

Niagara Global Budget Scaling

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Niagara

  • Module: Niagara

  • File: NiagaraEffectType.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • cull_by_global_budget (bool): [Read-Write] Controls whether global budget based culling is enabled.

  • max_distance_scale_by_global_budget_use (NiagaraLinearRamp): [Read-Write] When enabled, MaxDistance is scaled down by the global budget use based on this curve. Allows us to cull more aggressively when performance is poor.

  • max_global_budget_usage (float): [Read-Write] Effects will be culled if the global budget usage exceeds this fraction. A global budget usage of 1.0 means current global FX workload has reached it’s max budget. Budgets are set by CVars under FX.Budget…

  • max_instance_count_scale_by_global_budget_use (NiagaraLinearRamp): [Read-Write] When enabled, Max Effect Type Instances is scaled down by the global budget use based on this curve. Allows us to cull more aggressively when performance is poor.

  • max_system_instance_count_scale_by_global_budget_use (NiagaraLinearRamp): [Read-Write] When enabled, Max System Instances is scaled down by the global budget use based on this curve. Allows us to cull more aggressively when performance is poor.

  • scale_max_distance_by_global_budget_use (bool): [Read-Write] Controls whether we scale down the MaxDistance based on the global budget use. Allows us to increase aggression of culling when performance is poor.

  • scale_max_instance_count_by_global_budget_use (bool): [Read-Write] Controls whether we scale down the system instance counts by global budget usage. Allows us to increase aggression of culling when performance is poor.

  • scale_system_instance_count_by_global_budget_use (bool): [Read-Write] Controls whether we scale down the effect type instance counts by global budget usage. Allows us to increase aggression of culling when performance is poor.