- class unreal.NavigationSystemV1(outer=None, name='None')¶
Navigation System V1
C++ Source:
Module: NavigationSystem
File: NavigationSystem.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(float): [Read-Write] Minimal time, in seconds, between active tiles set updateallow_client_side_navigation
(bool): [Read-Write] If false, will not create nav collision when connecting as a clientauto_create_navigation_data
(bool): [Read-Write] Should navigation system spawn default Navigation Data when there’s none and there are navigation bounds present?crowd_manager_class
(Class): [Read-Write] Crowd Manager Classdata_gathering_mode
(NavDataGatheringModeConfig): [Read-Write] Sets how navigation data should be gathered when building collision informationdefault_agent_name
(Name): [Read-Write] If not None indicates which of navigation datas and supported agents are going to be used as the default ones. If navigation agent of this type does not exist or is not enabled then the first available nav data will be used as the default onedirty_area_warning_size_threshold
(float): [Read-Write] -1 by default, if set to a positive value dirty areas with any dimensions in 2d over the threshold created at runtime will be loggeddirty_areas_update_freq
(float): [Read-Write] Dirty Areas Update Freqgenerate_navigation_only_around_navigation_invokers
(bool): [Read-Write] If set to true navigation will be generated only around registered “navigation enforcers”This has a range of consequences (including how navigation octree operates) so it needs to be a conscious decision. Once enabled results in whole world being navigable.
see: RegisterNavigationInvoker
(bool): [Read-Write] if set to true will result navigation system not rebuild navigation untila call to ReleaseInitialBuildingLock() is called. Does not influence editor-time generation (i.e. does influence PIE and Game). Defaults to false.
(OnNavDataGenericEvent): [Read-Write] On Navigation Generation Finished Delegateshould_discard_sub_level_nav_data
(bool): [Read-Write] If true, games should ignore navigation data inside loaded sublevelsskip_agent_height_check_when_picking_nav_data
(bool): [Read-Write] false by default, if set to true will result in not caring about nav agent heightwhen trying to match navigation data to passed in nav agent
(bool): [Read-Write] If true will try to spawn the navigation data instance in the sublevel with navigation bounds, if false it will spawn in the persistent levelsupported_agents
(Array(NavDataConfig)): [Read-Write] List of agents types supported by this navigation systemsupported_agents_mask
(NavAgentSelector): [Read-Write] NavigationSystem’s properties in Project Settings define all possible supported agents,but a specific navigation system can choose to support only a subset of agents. Set via NavigationSystemConfig
(bool): [Read-Write] If true, will update navigation even when the game is paused
- property default_agent_name¶
[Read-Only] If not None indicates which of navigation datas and supported agents are going to be used as the default ones. If navigation agent of this type does not exist or is not enabled then the first available nav data will be used as the default one
- Type
- classmethod find_path_to_actor_synchronously(world_context_object, path_start, goal_actor, tether_distance=50.0, pathfinding_context=None, filter_class=None) → NavigationPath¶
- Finds path instantly, in a FindPath Synchronously. Main advantage over FindPathToLocationSynchronously is that
the resulting path will automatically get updated if goal actor moves more than TetherDistance away from last path node
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- classmethod find_path_to_location_synchronously(world_context_object, path_start, path_end, pathfinding_context=None, filter_class=None) → NavigationPath¶
Finds path instantly, in a FindPath Synchronously.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- classmethod get_navigation_system(world_context_object) → NavigationSystemV1¶
Blueprint functions
- Parameters
world_context_object (Object) –
- Returns
- Return type
- classmethod get_path_cost(world_context_object, path_start, path_end, nav_data=None, filter_class=None) -> (NavigationQueryResult, path_cost=float)¶
Potentially expensive. Use with caution. Consider using UPathFollowingComponent::GetRemainingPathCost instead
- classmethod get_path_length(world_context_object, path_start, path_end, nav_data=None, filter_class=None) -> (NavigationQueryResult, path_length=float)¶
Potentially expensive. Use with caution
- classmethod get_random_location_in_navigable_radius(world_context_object, origin, radius, nav_data=None, filter_class=None) → Vector or None¶
Generates a random location in navigable space within given radius of Origin.
- classmethod get_random_point_in_navigable_radius(world_context_object, origin, radius, nav_data=None, filter_class=None) → Vector or None¶
K2 Get Random Point in Navigable Radius
- classmethod get_random_reachable_point_in_radius(world_context_object, origin, radius, nav_data=None, filter_class=None) → Vector or None¶
Generates a random location reachable from given Origin location.
- classmethod is_navigation_being_built_or_locked(world_context_object) → bool¶
Is Navigation Being Built or Locked
- classmethod navigation_raycast(world_context_object, ray_start, ray_end, filter_class=None, querier=None) → Vector or None¶
Performs navigation raycast on NavigationData appropriate for given Querier.
- Parameters
- Returns
true if line from RayStart to RayEnd was obstructed. Also, true when no navigation data present
hit_location (Vector): if line was obstructed this will be set to hit location. Otherwise it contains SegmentEnd
- Return type
- on_navigation_bounds_updated(nav_volume) → None¶
todo: document
- Parameters
nav_volume (NavMeshBoundsVolume) –
- property on_navigation_generation_finished_delegate¶
[Read-Write] On Navigation Generation Finished Delegate
- Type
- classmethod project_point_to_navigation(world_context_object, point, nav_data, filter_class, query_extent=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) → Vector or None¶
Project a point onto the NavigationData
- register_navigation_invoker(invoker, tile_generation_radius=3000.0, tile_removal_radius=5000.0) → None¶
- Registers given actor as a “navigation enforcer” which means navigation system will
make sure navigation is being generated in specified radius around it.
note:: you need NavigationSystem’s GenerateNavigationOnlyAroundNavigationInvokers to be set to true to take advantage of this feature
- reset_max_simultaneous_tile_generation_jobs_count() → None¶
Brings limit of simultaneous navmesh tile generation jobs back to Project Setting’s default value
- set_geometry_gathering_mode(new_mode) → None¶
Set Geometry Gathering Mode
- Parameters
new_mode (NavDataGatheringModeConfig) –
- set_max_simultaneous_tile_generation_jobs_count(max_number_of_jobs) → None¶
will limit the number of simultaneously running navmesh tile generation jobs to specified number.
- Parameters
max_number_of_jobs (int32) – gets trimmed to be at least 1. You cannot use this function to pause navmesh generation