
class unreal.MotoSynthSource(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.Object

UMotoSynthSource UAsset used to represent Imported MotoSynth Sources

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MotoSynth

  • Module: MotoSynth

  • File: MotoSynthSourceAsset.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • analysis_input_file_path (str): [Read-Write] The path to write the audio analysis data (LPF and normalized asset)

  • convert_to8_bit (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not to convert this moto synth source to 8 bit on load to use less memory

  • down_sample_factor (float): [Read-Write] Amount to scale down the sample rate of the source

  • dynamics_knee_bandwidth (float): [Read-Write] Dynamics Knee Bandwidth

  • dynamics_processor_attack_time_msec (float): [Read-Write] Dynamics Processor Attack Time Msec

  • dynamics_processor_input_gain_db (float): [Read-Write] Dynamics Processor Input Gain Db

  • dynamics_processor_lookahead (float): [Read-Write] Dynamics Processor Lookahead

  • dynamics_processor_ratio (float): [Read-Write] Dynamics Processor Ratio

  • dynamics_processor_release_time_msec (float): [Read-Write] Dynamics Processor Release Time Msec

  • dynamics_processor_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Dynamics Processor Threshold

  • enable_dynamics_processor_for_analysis (bool): [Read-Write] Whether not to enable a dynamics processor to the analysis step

  • enable_filtering_for_analysis (bool): [Read-Write] Whether not to enable a low pass filter frequency before analyzing the audio file

  • enable_normalization_for_analysis (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Normalization for Analysis

  • high_pass_filter_frequency (float): [Read-Write] Whether not to enable a low pass filter frequency before analyzing the audio file

  • low_pass_filter_frequency (float): [Read-Write] Frequency of a low pass filter to apply before running grain table analysis

  • rpm_curve (RuntimeFloatCurve): [Read-Write] A curve to define the RPM contour from the min and max estimated RPM Curve values are non-normalized and accurate to time

  • rpm_cycle_calibration_sample (int32): [Read-Write] A samples to use to calibrate when an engine cycle begins

  • rpm_estimation_octave_offset (int32): [Read-Write] RPMEstimation Octave Offset

  • rpm_first_cycle_sample_end (int32): [Read-Write] The end of the first cycle sample. Cut the source file to start exactly on the cycle start

  • rpm_synth_volume (float): [Read-Write] Sets the volume of the RPM curve synth for testing RPM curve to source

  • sample_shift_offset (int32): [Read-Write] Sample Shift Offset

  • sound_wave_source (SoundWave): [Read-Write] The source to use for the moto synth source

  • write_analysis_input_to_file (bool): [Read-Write] Whether not to write the audio used for analysis to a wav file

property convert_to8_bit

[Read-Write] Whether or not to convert this moto synth source to 8 bit on load to use less memory



property down_sample_factor

[Read-Write] Amount to scale down the sample rate of the source



property dynamics_knee_bandwidth

[Read-Write] Dynamics Knee Bandwidth



property dynamics_processor_lookahead

[Read-Write] Dynamics Processor Lookahead



property rpm_curve

[Read-Write] A curve to define the RPM contour from the min and max estimated RPM Curve values are non-normalized and accurate to time



property rpm_synth_volume

[Read-Write] Sets the volume of the RPM curve synth for testing RPM curve to source



property sound_wave_source

[Read-Write] The source to use for the moto synth source

