
class unreal.MotionMatchingSettings(blend_time: float = 0.0, max_active_blends: int = 0, blend_profile: BlendProfile = Ellipsis, blend_option: AlphaBlendOption = Ellipsis, mirror_change_blend_time: float = 0.0, pose_jump_threshold_time: float = 0.0, pose_reselect_history: float = 0.0, search_throttle_time: float = 0.0, play_rate_min: float = 0.0, play_rate_max: float = 0.0)

Bases: StructBase

Motion Matching Settings

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: PoseSearch

  • Module: PoseSearch

  • File: PoseSearchLibrary.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • blend_option (AlphaBlendOption): [Read-Write]

  • blend_profile (BlendProfile): [Read-Write]

  • blend_time (float): [Read-Write] Time in seconds to blend out to the new pose. Uses either inertial blending, requiring an Inertialization node after this node, or the internal blend stack, if MaxActiveBlends is greter than zero

  • max_active_blends (int32): [Read-Write] Number of max active blendin animation in the blend stack. If MaxActiveBlends is zero then blend stack is disabled

  • mirror_change_blend_time (float): [Read-Write] If the pose jump requires a mirroring change and this value is greater than 0, it will be used instead of BlendTime

  • play_rate_max (float): [Read-Write]

  • play_rate_min (float): [Read-Write]

  • pose_jump_threshold_time (float): [Read-Write] Don’t jump to poses that are less than this many seconds away

  • pose_reselect_history (float): [Read-Write] Don’t jump to poses that has been selected previously within this many seconds in the past

  • search_throttle_time (float): [Read-Write] Minimum amount of time to wait between pose search queries

property blend_option: AlphaBlendOption




property blend_profile: BlendProfile




property blend_time: float

[Read-Write] Time in seconds to blend out to the new pose. Uses either inertial blending, requiring an Inertialization node after this node, or the internal blend stack, if MaxActiveBlends is greter than zero



property max_active_blends: int

[Read-Write] Number of max active blendin animation in the blend stack. If MaxActiveBlends is zero then blend stack is disabled



property mirror_change_blend_time: float

[Read-Write] If the pose jump requires a mirroring change and this value is greater than 0, it will be used instead of BlendTime



property play_rate_max: float




property play_rate_min: float




property pose_jump_threshold_time: float

[Read-Write] Don’t jump to poses that are less than this many seconds away



property pose_reselect_history: float

[Read-Write] Don’t jump to poses that has been selected previously within this many seconds in the past



property search_throttle_time: float

[Read-Write] Minimum amount of time to wait between pose search queries

