
class unreal.ModularSynthPreset(enable_polyphony=False, osc1_type=Synth1OscType.SAW, osc1_gain=1.0, osc1_octave=0.0, osc1_semitones=0.0, osc1_cents=0.0, osc1_pulse_width=0.5, osc2_type=Synth1OscType.SAW, osc2_gain=1.0, osc2_octave=0.0, osc2_semitones=0.0, osc2_cents=2.5, osc2_pulse_width=0.5, portamento=0.0, enable_unison=False, enable_oscillator_sync=False, spread=0.5, pan=0.0, lfo1_frequency=1.0, lfo1_gain=0.0, lfo1_type=SynthLFOType.SINE, lfo1_mode=SynthLFOMode.SYNC, lfo1_patch_type=SynthLFOPatchType.PATCH_TO_NONE, lfo2_frequency=1.0, lfo2_gain=0.0, lfo2_type=SynthLFOType.SINE, lfo2_mode=SynthLFOMode.SYNC, lfo2_patch_type=SynthLFOPatchType.PATCH_TO_NONE, gain_db=- 3.0, attack_time=10.0, decay_time=100.0, sustain_gain=0.707, release_time=5000.0, mod_env_patch_type=SynthModEnvPatch.PATCH_TO_NONE, mod_env_bias_patch_type=SynthModEnvBiasPatch.PATCH_TO_NONE, invert_modulation_envelope=False, invert_modulation_envelope_bias=False, modulation_envelope_depth=1.0, modulation_envelope_attack_time=10.0, modulation_envelope_decay_time=100.0, modulation_envelope_sustain_gain=0.707, modulation_envelope_release_time=5000.0, legato=True, retrigger=False, filter_frequency=8000.0, filter_q=2.0, filter_type=SynthFilterType.LOW_PASS, filter_algorithm=SynthFilterAlgorithm.LADDER, stereo_delay_enabled=True, stereo_delay_mode=SynthStereoDelayMode.PING_PONG, stereo_delay_time=700.0, stereo_delay_feedback=0.7, stereo_delay_wetlevel=0.3, stereo_delay_ratio=0.2, chorus_enabled=False, chorus_depth=0.2, chorus_feedback=0.5, chorus_frequency=2.0, patches=[])

Bases: unreal.TableRowBase

Modular Synth Preset

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Synthesis

  • Module: Synthesis

  • File: EpicSynth1Component.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • attack_time (float): [Read-Write] The amplitude envelope attack time (in ms) [0.0, 10000]

  • chorus_depth (float): [Read-Write] The depth of the chorus effect [0.0, 1.0]

  • chorus_enabled (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not the chorus effect is enabled

  • chorus_feedback (float): [Read-Write] The amount of feedback in the chorus effect [0.0, 1.0]

  • chorus_frequency (float): [Read-Write] The chorus LFO frequency [0.0, 20.0]

  • decay_time (float): [Read-Write] The amplitude envelope decay time (in ms)[0.0, 10000]

  • enable_oscillator_sync (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not oscillator sync is enabled. Oscillator sync forces oscillator 2’s phase to align with oscillator 1’s phase.

  • enable_polyphony (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not to allow multiple synth voices.

  • enable_unison (bool): [Read-Write] Enables forcing the oscillators to have no stereo spread.

  • filter_algorithm (SynthFilterAlgorithm): [Read-Write] The output filter circuit/algorithm type (one-pole ladder, ladder, state-variable)

  • filter_frequency (float): [Read-Write] The output filter cutoff frequency (hz) [0.0, 20000.0]

  • filter_q (float): [Read-Write] The output filter resonance (Q) [0.5, 10]

  • filter_type (SynthFilterType): [Read-Write] The output filter type (lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop)

  • gain_db (float): [Read-Write] The overall gain to use for the synthesizer in dB [-90.0, 20.0]

  • invert_modulation_envelope (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not to invert the modulation envelope

  • invert_modulation_envelope_bias (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not to invert the modulation envelope bias output

  • legato (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not to use legato mode.

  • lfo1_frequency (float): [Read-Write] The frequency to use for LFO 1 (in hz) [0.0, 50.0]

  • lfo1_gain (float): [Read-Write] The linear gain to use for LFO 1 [0.0, 1.0]

  • lfo1_mode (SynthLFOMode): [Read-Write] The mode to use for LFO 1

  • lfo1_patch_type (SynthLFOPatchType): [Read-Write] The built-in patch type to use for LFO 1 (you can route this to any patchable parameter using the Patches parameter)

  • lfo1_type (SynthLFOType): [Read-Write] The type of LFO to use for LFO 1

  • lfo2_frequency (float): [Read-Write] The frequency to use for LFO 2 (in hz) [0.0, 50.0]

  • lfo2_gain (float): [Read-Write] The linear gain to use for LFO 2 [0.0, 1.0]

  • lfo2_mode (SynthLFOMode): [Read-Write] The mode to use for LFO 2

  • lfo2_patch_type (SynthLFOPatchType): [Read-Write] The built-in patch type to use for LFO 2 (you can route this to any patchable parameter using the Patches parameter)

  • lfo2_type (SynthLFOType): [Read-Write] The type of LFO to use for LFO 2

  • mod_env_bias_patch_type (SynthModEnvBiasPatch): [Read-Write] The built-in patch type for the envelope modulator bias output. Bias is when the envelope output is offset by the sustain gain.

  • mod_env_patch_type (SynthModEnvPatch): [Read-Write] The built-in patch type for the envelope modulator

  • modulation_envelope_attack_time (float): [Read-Write] The modulation envelope attack time (in ms) [0.0, 10000]

  • modulation_envelope_decay_time (float): [Read-Write] The modulation envelope decay time (in ms) [0.0, 10000]

  • modulation_envelope_depth (float): [Read-Write] The “depth” (i.e. how much) modulation envelope to use. This scales the modulation envelope output. [0.0, 1.0]

  • modulation_envelope_release_time (float): [Read-Write] The modulation envelope release time (in ms) [0.0, 10000]

  • modulation_envelope_sustain_gain (float): [Read-Write] The modulation envelope sustain gain (linear gain) [0.0, 1.0]

  • osc1_cents (float): [Read-Write] The cents (hundreds of a semitone) of oscillator 1. [-100.0, 100.0]

  • osc1_gain (float): [Read-Write] The linear gain of oscillator 1 [0.0, 1.0]

  • osc1_octave (float): [Read-Write] The octave of oscillator 1. [-8.0, 8.0]

  • osc1_pulse_width (float): [Read-Write] The pulsewidth of oscillator 1 (when using a square wave type oscillator). [0.0, 1.0]

  • osc1_semitones (float): [Read-Write] The semi-tones of oscillator 1. [-12.0, 12.0]

  • osc1_type (Synth1OscType): [Read-Write] What type of oscillator to use for oscillator 1

  • osc2_cents (float): [Read-Write] The cents (hundreds of a semitone) of oscillator 2. [-100.0, 100.0]

  • osc2_gain (float): [Read-Write] The linear gain of oscillator 2 [0.0, 1.0]

  • osc2_octave (float): [Read-Write] The octave of oscillator 2. [-8.0, 8.0]

  • osc2_pulse_width (float): [Read-Write] The pulsewidth of oscillator 2 (when using a square wave type oscillator). [0.0, 1.0]

  • osc2_semitones (float): [Read-Write] The semi-tones of oscillator 2. [-12.0, 12.0]

  • osc2_type (Synth1OscType): [Read-Write] What type of oscillator to use for oscillator 2

  • pan (float): [Read-Write] The stereo pan to use. 0.0 is center. -1.0 is left, 1.0 is right.

  • patches (Array(EpicSynth1Patch)): [Read-Write] The modular synth patch chords to use for the synth. Allows routing the LFO1/LFO2 and Modulation Envelope to any patchable destination.

  • portamento (float): [Read-Write] The amount of portamento to use, which is the amount of pitch sliding from current note to next [0.0, 1.0]

  • release_time (float): [Read-Write] The amplitude envelope release time (in ms) [0.0, 10000]

  • retrigger (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not to use retrigger mode.

  • spread (float): [Read-Write] The amount of stereo spread to use between oscillator 1 and oscillator 2 [0.0, 1.0]

  • stereo_delay_enabled (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not stereo delay is enabled on the synth

  • stereo_delay_feedback (float): [Read-Write] The amount of feedback in the stereo delay line [0.0, 1.0]

  • stereo_delay_mode (SynthStereoDelayMode): [Read-Write] The stereo delay mode of the synth

  • stereo_delay_ratio (float): [Read-Write] The ratio between left and right stereo delay lines (wider value is more separation) [0.0, 1.0]

  • stereo_delay_time (float): [Read-Write] The stereo delay time (in ms) [0.0, 2000.0]

  • stereo_delay_wetlevel (float): [Read-Write] The output wet level to use for the stereo delay time [0.0, 1.0]

  • sustain_gain (float): [Read-Write] The amplitude envelope sustain amount (linear gain) [0.0, 1.0]

property attack_time

[Read-Write] The amplitude envelope attack time (in ms) [0.0, 10000]



property chorus_depth

[Read-Write] The depth of the chorus effect [0.0, 1.0]



property chorus_enabled

[Read-Write] Whether or not the chorus effect is enabled



property chorus_feedback

[Read-Write] The amount of feedback in the chorus effect [0.0, 1.0]



property chorus_frequency

[Read-Write] The chorus LFO frequency [0.0, 20.0]



property decay_time

[Read-Write] The amplitude envelope decay time (in ms)[0.0, 10000]



property enable_oscillator_sync

[Read-Write] Whether or not oscillator sync is enabled. Oscillator sync forces oscillator 2’s phase to align with oscillator 1’s phase.



property enable_polyphony

[Read-Write] Whether or not to allow multiple synth voices.



property enable_unison

[Read-Write] Enables forcing the oscillators to have no stereo spread.



property filter_algorithm

[Read-Write] The output filter circuit/algorithm type (one-pole ladder, ladder, state-variable)



property filter_frequency

[Read-Write] The output filter cutoff frequency (hz) [0.0, 20000.0]



property filter_q

[Read-Write] The output filter resonance (Q) [0.5, 10]



property filter_type

[Read-Write] The output filter type (lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop)



property gain_db

[Read-Write] The overall gain to use for the synthesizer in dB [-90.0, 20.0]



property invert_modulation_envelope

[Read-Write] Whether or not to invert the modulation envelope



property invert_modulation_envelope_bias

[Read-Write] Whether or not to invert the modulation envelope bias output



property legato

[Read-Write] Whether or not to use legato mode.



property lfo1_frequency

[Read-Write] The frequency to use for LFO 1 (in hz) [0.0, 50.0]



property lfo1_gain

[Read-Write] The linear gain to use for LFO 1 [0.0, 1.0]



property lfo1_mode

[Read-Write] The mode to use for LFO 1



property lfo1_patch_type

[Read-Write] The built-in patch type to use for LFO 1 (you can route this to any patchable parameter using the Patches parameter)



property lfo1_type

[Read-Write] The type of LFO to use for LFO 1



property lfo2_frequency

[Read-Write] The frequency to use for LFO 2 (in hz) [0.0, 50.0]



property lfo2_gain

[Read-Write] The linear gain to use for LFO 2 [0.0, 1.0]



property lfo2_mode

[Read-Write] The mode to use for LFO 2



property lfo2_patch_type

[Read-Write] The built-in patch type to use for LFO 2 (you can route this to any patchable parameter using the Patches parameter)



property lfo2_type

[Read-Write] The type of LFO to use for LFO 2



property mod_env_bias_patch_type

[Read-Write] The built-in patch type for the envelope modulator bias output. Bias is when the envelope output is offset by the sustain gain.



property mod_env_patch_type

[Read-Write] The built-in patch type for the envelope modulator



property modulation_envelope_attack_time

[Read-Write] The modulation envelope attack time (in ms) [0.0, 10000]



property modulation_envelope_decay_time

[Read-Write] The modulation envelope decay time (in ms) [0.0, 10000]



property modulation_envelope_depth

[Read-Write] The “depth” (i.e. how much) modulation envelope to use. This scales the modulation envelope output. [0.0, 1.0]



property modulation_envelope_release_time

[Read-Write] The modulation envelope release time (in ms) [0.0, 10000]



property modulation_envelope_sustain_gain

[Read-Write] The modulation envelope sustain gain (linear gain) [0.0, 1.0]



property osc1_cents

[Read-Write] The cents (hundreds of a semitone) of oscillator 1. [-100.0, 100.0]



property osc1_gain

[Read-Write] The linear gain of oscillator 1 [0.0, 1.0]



property osc1_octave

[Read-Write] The octave of oscillator 1. [-8.0, 8.0]



property osc1_pulse_width

[Read-Write] The pulsewidth of oscillator 1 (when using a square wave type oscillator). [0.0, 1.0]



property osc1_semitones

[Read-Write] The semi-tones of oscillator 1. [-12.0, 12.0]



property osc1_type

[Read-Write] What type of oscillator to use for oscillator 1



property osc2_cents

[Read-Write] The cents (hundreds of a semitone) of oscillator 2. [-100.0, 100.0]



property osc2_gain

[Read-Write] The linear gain of oscillator 2 [0.0, 1.0]



property osc2_octave

[Read-Write] The octave of oscillator 2. [-8.0, 8.0]



property osc2_pulse_width

[Read-Write] The pulsewidth of oscillator 2 (when using a square wave type oscillator). [0.0, 1.0]



property osc2_semitones

[Read-Write] The semi-tones of oscillator 2. [-12.0, 12.0]



property osc2_type

[Read-Write] What type of oscillator to use for oscillator 2



property pan

[Read-Write] The stereo pan to use. 0.0 is center. -1.0 is left, 1.0 is right.



property patches

[Read-Write] The modular synth patch chords to use for the synth. Allows routing the LFO1/LFO2 and Modulation Envelope to any patchable destination.



property portamento

[Read-Write] The amount of portamento to use, which is the amount of pitch sliding from current note to next [0.0, 1.0]



property release_time

[Read-Write] The amplitude envelope release time (in ms) [0.0, 10000]



property retrigger

[Read-Write] Whether or not to use retrigger mode.



property spread

[Read-Write] The amount of stereo spread to use between oscillator 1 and oscillator 2 [0.0, 1.0]



property stereo_delay_enabled

[Read-Write] Whether or not stereo delay is enabled on the synth



property stereo_delay_feedback

[Read-Write] The amount of feedback in the stereo delay line [0.0, 1.0]



property stereo_delay_mode

[Read-Write] The stereo delay mode of the synth



property stereo_delay_ratio

[Read-Write] The ratio between left and right stereo delay lines (wider value is more separation) [0.0, 1.0]



property stereo_delay_time

[Read-Write] The stereo delay time (in ms) [0.0, 2000.0]



property stereo_delay_wetlevel

[Read-Write] The output wet level to use for the stereo delay time [0.0, 1.0]



property sustain_gain

[Read-Write] The amplitude envelope sustain amount (linear gain) [0.0, 1.0]

