
class unreal.MeshProxySettings(screen_size=300, voxel_size=3.0, material_settings=[[1024, 1024], 4.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, TextureSizingType.TEXTURE_SIZING_TYPE_USE_SINGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE, BlendMode.BLEND_OPAQUE, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, [1024, 1024], [1024, 1024], [1024, 1024], [1024, 1024], [1024, 1024], [1024, 1024], [1024, 1024], [1024, 1024], [1024, 1024], [1024, 1024], [1024, 1024]], merge_distance=0.0, unresolved_geometry_color=[0, 0, 0, 255], max_ray_cast_dist=20.0, hard_angle_threshold=130.0, light_map_resolution=256, normal_calculation_method=ProxyNormalComputationMethod.ANGLE_WEIGHTED, landscape_culling_precision=LandscapeCullingPrecision.MEDIUM, calculate_correct_lod_model=False, override_voxel_size=False, override_transfer_distance=False, use_hard_angle_threshold=False, compute_light_map_resolution=False, recalculate_normals=True, use_landscape_culling=False, allow_adjacency=False, allow_distance_field=False, reuse_mesh_lightmap_u_vs=True, create_collision=True, allow_vertex_colors=False, generate_lightmap_u_vs=False)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Mesh Proxy Settings

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: MeshMerging.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • allow_adjacency (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to allow adjacency buffers for tessellation in the merged mesh

  • allow_distance_field (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to allow distance field to be computed for this mesh. Disable this to save memory if the merged mesh will only be rendered in the distance.

  • allow_vertex_colors (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to allow vertex colors saved in the merged mesh

  • calculate_correct_lod_model (bool): [Read-Write] Determines whether or not the correct LOD models should be calculated given the source meshes and transition size

  • compute_light_map_resolution (bool): [Read-Write] If ticked will compute the lightmap resolution by summing the dimensions for each mesh included for merging

  • create_collision (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to generate collision for the merged mesh

  • generate_lightmap_u_vs (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to generate lightmap uvs for the merged mesh

  • hard_angle_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Angle at which a hard edge is introduced between faces

  • landscape_culling_precision (LandscapeCullingPrecision): [Read-Write] Level of detail of the landscape that should be used for the culling

  • light_map_resolution (int32): [Read-Write] Lightmap resolution

  • material_settings (MaterialProxySettings): [Read-Write] Material simplification

  • max_ray_cast_dist (float): [Read-Write] Override search distance used when discovering texture values for simplified geometry. Useful when non-zero Merge Distance setting generates new geometry in concave corners.

  • merge_distance (float): [Read-Write] Distance at which meshes should be merged together, this can close gaps like doors and windows in distant geometry

  • normal_calculation_method (ProxyNormalComputationMethod): [Read-Write] Controls the method used to calculate the normal for the simplified geometry

  • override_transfer_distance (bool): [Read-Write] Enable an override for material transfer distance

  • override_voxel_size (bool): [Read-Write] If true, Spatial Sampling Distance will not be automatically computed based on geometry and you must set it directly

  • recalculate_normals (bool): [Read-Write] Whether Simplygon should recalculate normals, otherwise the normals channel will be sampled from the original mesh

  • reuse_mesh_lightmap_u_vs (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to attempt to re-use the source mesh’s lightmap UVs when baking the material or always generate a new set.

  • screen_size (int32): [Read-Write] Screen size of the resulting proxy mesh in pixels

  • unresolved_geometry_color (Color): [Read-Write] Base color assigned to LOD geometry that can’t be associated with the source geometry: e.g. doors and windows that have been closed by the Merge Distance

  • use_hard_angle_threshold (bool): [Read-Write] Enable the use of hard angle based vertex splitting

  • use_landscape_culling (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not to use available landscape geometry to cull away invisible triangles

  • voxel_size (float): [Read-Write] Override when converting multiple meshes for proxy LOD merging. Warning, large geometry with small sampling has very high memory costs

property allow_adjacency

[Read-Write] Whether to allow adjacency buffers for tessellation in the merged mesh



property allow_distance_field

[Read-Write] Whether to allow distance field to be computed for this mesh. Disable this to save memory if the merged mesh will only be rendered in the distance.



property allow_vertex_colors

[Read-Write] Whether to allow vertex colors saved in the merged mesh



property calculate_correct_lod_model

[Read-Write] Determines whether or not the correct LOD models should be calculated given the source meshes and transition size



property compute_light_map_resolution

[Read-Write] If ticked will compute the lightmap resolution by summing the dimensions for each mesh included for merging



property create_collision

[Read-Write] Whether to generate collision for the merged mesh



property generate_lightmap_u_vs

[Read-Write] Whether to generate lightmap uvs for the merged mesh



property hard_angle_threshold

[Read-Write] Angle at which a hard edge is introduced between faces



property landscape_culling_precision

[Read-Write] Level of detail of the landscape that should be used for the culling



property light_map_resolution

[Read-Write] Lightmap resolution



property material_settings

[Read-Write] Material simplification



property max_ray_cast_dist

[Read-Write] Override search distance used when discovering texture values for simplified geometry. Useful when non-zero Merge Distance setting generates new geometry in concave corners.



property merge_distance

[Read-Write] Distance at which meshes should be merged together, this can close gaps like doors and windows in distant geometry



property normal_calculation_method

[Read-Write] Controls the method used to calculate the normal for the simplified geometry



property override_transfer_distance

[Read-Write] Enable an override for material transfer distance



property override_voxel_size

[Read-Write] If true, Spatial Sampling Distance will not be automatically computed based on geometry and you must set it directly



property recalculate_normals

[Read-Write] Whether Simplygon should recalculate normals, otherwise the normals channel will be sampled from the original mesh



property reuse_mesh_lightmap_u_vs

[Read-Write] Whether to attempt to re-use the source mesh’s lightmap UVs when baking the material or always generate a new set.



property screen_size

[Read-Write] Screen size of the resulting proxy mesh in pixels



property unresolved_geometry_color

e.g. doors and windows that have been closed by the Merge Distance




[Read-Write] Base color assigned to LOD geometry that can’t be associated with the source geometry

property use_hard_angle_threshold

[Read-Write] Enable the use of hard angle based vertex splitting



property use_landscape_culling

[Read-Write] Whether or not to use available landscape geometry to cull away invisible triangles



property voxel_size

[Read-Write] Override when converting multiple meshes for proxy LOD merging. Warning, large geometry with small sampling has very high memory costs

