
class unreal.MeshNaniteSettings(enabled: bool = False, preserve_area: bool = False, explicit_tangents: bool = False, position_precision: int = 0, normal_precision: int = 0, tangent_precision: int = 0, keep_percent_triangles: float = 0.0, trim_relative_error: float = 0.0, fallback_target: NaniteFallbackTarget = Ellipsis, fallback_percent_triangles: float = 0.0, fallback_relative_error: float = 0.0, displacement_uv_channel: int = 0)

Bases: StructBase

Settings applied when building Nanite data.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: EngineTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • displacement_maps (Array[MeshDisplacementMap]): [Read-Write]

  • displacement_uv_channel (int32): [Read-Write] UV channel used to sample displacement maps

  • enabled (bool): [Read-Write] If true, Nanite data will be generated.

  • explicit_tangents (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to store explicit tangents instead of using the implicitly derived ones.

  • fallback_percent_triangles (float): [Read-Write] Percentage of triangles to keep from source mesh for fallback. 1.0 = no reduction, 0.0 = no triangles.

  • fallback_relative_error (float): [Read-Write] Reduce until at least this amount of error is reached relative to size of the mesh

  • fallback_target (NaniteFallbackTarget): [Read-Write] Which heuristic to use when generating the fallback mesh.

  • keep_percent_triangles (float): [Read-Write] Percentage of triangles to keep from source mesh. 1.0 = no reduction, 0.0 = no triangles.

  • normal_precision (int32): [Read-Write] Normal Precision in bits. -1 is auto.

  • position_precision (int32): [Read-Write] Position Precision. Step size is 2^(-PositionPrecision) cm. MIN_int32 is auto.

  • preserve_area (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to try and maintain the same surface area at all distances. Useful for foliage that thins out otherwise.

  • tangent_precision (int32): [Read-Write] Tangent Precision in bits. -1 is auto.

  • target_minimum_residency_in_kb (uint32): [Read-Write] How much of the resource should always be resident (In KB). Approximate due to paging. 0: Minimum size (single page). MAX_uint32: Entire mesh.

  • trim_relative_error (float): [Read-Write] Reduce until at least this amount of error is reached relative to size of the mesh

property displacement_uv_channel: int

[Read-Write] UV channel used to sample displacement maps



property enabled: bool

[Read-Write] If true, Nanite data will be generated.



property explicit_tangents: bool

[Read-Write] Whether to store explicit tangents instead of using the implicitly derived ones.



property fallback_percent_triangles: float

[Read-Write] Percentage of triangles to keep from source mesh for fallback. 1.0 = no reduction, 0.0 = no triangles.



property fallback_relative_error: float

[Read-Write] Reduce until at least this amount of error is reached relative to size of the mesh



property fallback_target: NaniteFallbackTarget

[Read-Write] Which heuristic to use when generating the fallback mesh.



property keep_percent_triangles: float

[Read-Write] Percentage of triangles to keep from source mesh. 1.0 = no reduction, 0.0 = no triangles.



property normal_precision: int

[Read-Write] Normal Precision in bits. -1 is auto.



property position_precision: int

[Read-Write] Position Precision. Step size is 2^(-PositionPrecision) cm. MIN_int32 is auto.



property preserve_area: bool

[Read-Write] Whether to try and maintain the same surface area at all distances. Useful for foliage that thins out otherwise.



property tangent_precision: int

[Read-Write] Tangent Precision in bits. -1 is auto.



property trim_relative_error: float

[Read-Write] Reduce until at least this amount of error is reached relative to size of the mesh

