
class unreal.MaterialSubstitutionDataTable(search_string: str = '', string_match: EditorScriptingStringMatchType = Ellipsis, material_replacement: MaterialInterface = Ellipsis)

Bases: TableRowBase

  • Simple struct for the table row used for UDataprepOperationsLibrary::SubstituteMaterials

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: DataprepEditor

  • Module: DataprepLibraries

  • File: DataprepOperationsLibrary.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • material_replacement (MaterialInterface): [Read-Write] Material to use for the substitution

  • search_string (str): [Read-Write] Name of the material(s) to search for. Wildcard is supported

  • string_match (EditorScriptingStringMatchType): [Read-Write] Type of matching to perform with SearchString string

property material_replacement: MaterialInterface

[Read-Only] Material to use for the substitution



property search_string: str

[Read-Only] Name of the material(s) to search for. Wildcard is supported



property string_match: EditorScriptingStringMatchType

[Read-Only] Type of matching to perform with SearchString string

