
class unreal.MaterialInstanceBasePropertyOverrides

Bases: StructBase

Properties from the base material that can be overridden in material instances.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: MaterialInstanceBasePropertyOverrides.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • blend_mode (BlendMode): [Read-Write] The blend mode

  • cast_dynamic_shadow_as_masked (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the material should cast shadows as masked even though it has a translucent blend mode.

  • displacement_scaling (DisplacementScaling): [Read-Write]

  • dithered_lod_transition (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the material should support a dithered LOD transition when used with the foliage system.

  • is_thin_surface (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material should be rendered as.

  • max_world_position_offset_displacement (float): [Read-Write] The maximum World Position Offset distance. Zero means no maximum.

  • opacity_mask_clip_value (float): [Read-Write] If BlendMode is BLEND_Masked, the surface is not rendered where OpacityMask < OpacityMaskClipValue.

  • output_translucent_velocity (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the material should output velocity even though it has a translucent blend mode.

  • override_b_is_thin_surface (bool): [Read-Write] Enables override of the IsThinSurface property.

  • override_blend_mode (bool): [Read-Write] Enables override of the blend mode.

  • override_cast_dynamic_shadow_as_masked (bool): [Read-Write] Enables override of whether to shadow using masked opacity on translucent materials.

  • override_displacement_scaling (bool): [Read-Write] Enables override of the displacement magnitude and center property.

  • override_dithered_lod_transition (bool): [Read-Write] Enables override of the dithered LOD transition property.

  • override_max_world_position_offset_displacement (bool): [Read-Write] Enables override of the max world position offset property.

  • override_opacity_mask_clip_value (bool): [Read-Write] Enables override of the opacity mask clip value.

  • override_output_translucent_velocity (bool): [Read-Write] Enables override of the output velocity property.

  • override_shading_model (bool): [Read-Write] Enables override of the shading model.

  • override_two_sided (bool): [Read-Write] Enables override of the two sided property.

  • shading_model (MaterialShadingModel): [Read-Write] The shading model

  • two_sided (bool): [Read-Write] Indicates that the material should be rendered without backface culling and the normal should be flipped for backfaces.