
class unreal.MaterialFunctionMaterialLayerBlend(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')

Bases: MaterialFunction

Specialized Material Function that acts as a blend

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: MaterialFunctionMaterialLayerBlend.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • description (str): [Read-Write] Description: Description of the function which will be displayed as a tooltip wherever the function is used.

  • enable_exec_wire (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Exec Wire

  • enable_new_hlsl_generator (bool): [Read-Write] Enable New HLSLGenerator

  • expose_to_library (bool): [Read-Write] Expose to Library: Whether to list this function in the material function library, which is a window in the material editor that lists categorized functions.

  • library_categories_text (Array[Text]): [Read-Write] Library Categories Text: Categories that this function belongs to in the material function library. Ideally categories should be chosen carefully so that there are not too many.

  • prefix_parameter_names (bool): [Read-Write] Prefix Parameter Names: If true, parameters in this function will have a prefix added to their group name.

  • preview_blend_mode (BlendMode): [Read-Write] Preview Blend Mode: Determines the blend mode when previewing a material function.

  • thumbnail_info (ThumbnailInfo): [Read-Only] Thumbnail Info: Information for thumbnail rendering