
class unreal.MaterialExpressionSpriteTextureSampler(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')

Bases: MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameter2D

This is a texture sampler 2D with a special automatically defined parameter name. The texture specified here will be replaced by the SourceTexture or an AdditionalSourceTextures entry of a Paper2D sprite if this material is used on a sprite.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Paper2D

  • Module: Paper2D

  • File: MaterialExpressionSpriteTextureSampler.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • additional_slot_index (int32): [Read-Write] Additional Slot Index: This is the slot index into the AdditionalSourceTextures array

  • automatic_view_mip_bias (bool): [Read-Write] Automatic View Mip Bias: Whether the texture should be sampled with per view mip biasing for sharper output with Temporal AA.

  • channel_names (ParameterChannelNames): [Read-Write] Channel Names

  • const_coordinate (uint8): [Read-Write] Const Coordinate: only used if Coordinates is not hooked up

  • const_mip_value (int32): [Read-Write] Const Mip Value: only used if MipValue is not hooked up

  • desc (str): [Read-Write] Desc: A description that level designers can add (shows in the material editor UI).

  • group (Name): [Read-Write] Group: The name of the parameter Group to display in MaterialInstance Editor. Default is None group

  • is_default_meshpaint_texture (bool): [Read-Write] Is Default Meshpaint Texture: Is default selected texture when using mesh paint mode texture painting

  • material_expression_editor_x (int32): [Read-Write] Material Expression Editor X

  • material_expression_editor_y (int32): [Read-Write] Material Expression Editor Y

  • mip_value_mode (TextureMipValueMode): [Read-Write] Mip Value Mode: Defines how the MipValue property is applied to the texture lookup

  • parameter_name (Name): [Read-Write] Parameter Name

  • sample_additional_textures (bool): [Read-Write] Sample Additional Textures: Is this a sampler for the default SourceTexture or the AdditionalSourceTextures list?

  • sampler_source (SamplerSourceMode): [Read-Write] Sampler Source: Controls where the sampler for this texture lookup will come from. Choose ‘from texture asset’ to make use of the UTexture addressing settings, Otherwise use one of the global samplers, which will not consume a sampler slot. This allows materials to use more than 16 unique textures on SM5 platforms.

  • sampler_type (MaterialSamplerType): [Read-Write] Sampler Type

  • slot_display_name (Text): [Read-Write] Slot Display Name: Friendly label for the texture slot, displayed in the Sprite Editor if not empty

  • sort_priority (int32): [Read-Write] Sort Priority: Controls where the this parameter is displayed in a material instance parameter list. The lower the number the higher up in the parameter list.

  • texture (Texture): [Read-Write] Texture