
class unreal.LuminARSessionConfig(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.ARSessionConfig

Lumin ARSession Config

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MagicLeap

  • Module: MagicLeapAR

  • File: LuminARSessionConfig.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • arbitrary_orientation_plane_detection (bool): [Read-Write] Should we detect planes with any orientation (ie not just horizontal or vertical).

  • candidate_images (Array(ARCandidateImage)): [Read-Write] The list of candidate images to detect within the AR camera view. This feature is used by ARKit.

  • candidate_objects (Array(ARCandidateObject)): [Read-Write] The list of candidate objects to search for in the scene. This feature is used by ARKit.

  • default_mesh_material (MaterialInterface): [Read-Write] The default mesh material used by the generated mesh component.

  • default_use_unreliable_pose (bool): [Read-Write] For image tracking, Candidate Images may contain both AR Candidate Images and Lumin AR Candidate Images. The former does not contain info about whether to update the pose when tracking is unreliable. In that case, this value is used to determine whether to update the pose, instead.

  • default_wireframe_mesh_material (MaterialInterface): [Read-Write] The default mesh material used by the wireframe setting of the generated mesh component. Note: It is recommended to ignore this wireframe feature and use a wireframe material for the DefaultMeshMaterial instead.

  • desired_video_format (ARVideoFormat): [Read-Write] The desired video format (or the default, if not supported) that this session should use if the camera is enabled. Use GetSupportedVideoFormats to get a list of device-supported formats.

  • discard_zero_extent_planes (bool): [Read-Write] If true discard any ‘plane’ objects that come through with zero extents and only polygon edge data.

  • enable_auto_focus (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the camera should autofocus. Autofocus can cause subtle shifts in position for small objects at further camera distance. This feature is used by ARCore and ARKit.

  • enable_automatic_camera_overlay (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the AR camera feed should be drawn as an overlay. Defaults to true. This feature is used by ARCore and ARKit.

  • enable_automatic_camera_tracking (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the virtual camera should track the device movement. Defaults to true. This feature is used by ARCore and ARKit.

  • enabled_session_tracking_feature (ARSessionTrackingFeature): [Read-Write] see: EARSessionTrackingFeature

  • environment_capture_probe_type (AREnvironmentCaptureProbeType): [Read-Write] see: EAREnvironmentCaptureProbeType

  • environment_probe_component_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] see: UAREnvironmentProbeComponent

  • face_component_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] see: UARFaceComponent

  • face_tracking_direction (ARFaceTrackingDirection): [Read-Write] see: EARFaceTrackingDirection

  • face_tracking_update (ARFaceTrackingUpdate): [Read-Write] see: EARFaceTrackingUpdate

  • frame_sync_mode (ARFrameSyncMode): [Read-Write] see: EARFrameSyncMode

  • generate_collision_for_mesh_data (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the AR system should generate collision data from the mesh data.

  • generate_mesh_data_from_tracked_geometry (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the AR system should generate mesh data that can be used for rendering, collision, NavMesh, and more. This feature is used by OpenXR, Windows Mixed Reality, and Magic Leap.

  • generate_nav_mesh_for_mesh_data (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the AR system should generate collision data from the mesh data.

  • geo_anchor_component_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] see: UARGeoAnchorComponent

  • horizontal_plane_detection (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether flat, horizontal surfaces are detected. This feature is used by ARCore and ARKit.

  • image_component_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] see: UARImageComponent

  • light_estimation_mode (ARLightEstimationMode): [Read-Write] see: EARLightEstimationMode

  • max_num_simultaneous_images_tracked (int32): [Read-Write] The maximum number of images to track at the same time. Defaults to 1. This feature is used by ARKit.

  • max_number_of_tracked_faces (int32): [Read-Write] The maximum number of faces to track simultaneously. This feature is used by ARKit.

  • max_plane_query_results (int32): [Read-Write] The maximum number of plane results that will be returned. deprecated: Use PlanesQuery instead.

  • mesh_component_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] see: UARMeshComponent

  • min_plane_area (int32): [Read-Write] The minimum area (in square cm) of planes to be returned. This value cannot be lower than 400 (lower values will be capped to this minimum). A good default value is 2500. deprecated: Use PlanesQuery instead.

  • object_component_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] see: UARObjectComponent

  • plane_component_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] see: UARPlaneComponent

  • plane_query_flags (Array(MagicLeapPlaneQueryFlags)): [Read-Write] Additional Flags to apply to the plane queries. Note: the plane orientation detection settings also cause flags to be set. It is ok to duplicate those here. deprecated: Use PlanesQuery instead.

  • plane_search_extents (Vector): [Read-Write] The dimensions of the box within which plane results will be returned. The box center and rotation are those of the tracking to world transform origin. deprecated: Use PlanesQuery instead.

  • planes_query (MagicLeapPlanesQuery): [Read-Write] The planes information that the AR session uses when generating a query.

  • point_component_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] see: UARPointComponent

  • pose_component_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] see: UARPoseComponent

  • qr_code_component_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] see: UARQRCodeComponent

  • render_mesh_data_in_wireframe (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the AR system should render the mesh data as wireframe. It is reccomended to simply set the DefaultMeshMaterial to whatever is desired, including a wireframe material and ignore this setting (there is no good reason for this to exist as a special case).

  • reset_camera_tracking (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the AR system should reset camera tracking, such as its origin and transforms, when a new AR session starts. Defaults to true. This feature is used by ARKit.

  • reset_tracked_objects (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the AR system should remove any tracked objects when a new AR session starts. Defaults to true. This feature is used by ARKit.

  • scene_reconstruction_method (ARSceneReconstruction): [Read-Write] see: EARSceneReconstruction

  • session_type (ARSessionType): [Read-Write] see: EARSessionType

  • track_scene_objects (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the AR system should track scene objects: see: EARObjectClassification::SceneObject.

  • use_automatic_image_scale_estimation (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether to automatically estimate and set the scale of a detected, or tracked, image. This feature is used by ARKit.

  • use_mesh_data_for_occlusion (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether the AR system should render the mesh data as occlusion meshes.

  • use_optimal_video_format (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether to automatically pick the video format that best matches the device screen size

  • use_person_segmentation_for_occlusion (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether to use the person segmentation results for occluding virtual content. This feature is used by ARKit.

  • use_scene_depth_for_occlusion (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether to use the scene depth information for occluding virtual content. This feature is used by ARCore and ARKit.

  • use_standard_onboarding_ux (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether to use the standard onboarding UX, if the system supports it. This feature is used by ARKit.

  • vertical_plane_detection (bool): [Read-Write] Boolean to determine whether flat, vertical surfaces are detected. This feature is used by ARCore and ARKit.

  • world_alignment (ARWorldAlignment): [Read-Write] see: EARWorldAlignment

  • world_map_data (Array(uint8)): [Read-Only] A previously saved world that will be loaded when the session starts. This feature is used by ARKit.

property default_use_unreliable_pose

[Read-Only] For image tracking, Candidate Images may contain both AR Candidate Images and Lumin AR Candidate Images. The former does not contain info about whether to update the pose when tracking is unreliable. In that case, this value is used to determine whether to update the pose, instead.



property max_plane_query_results

[Read-Write] The maximum number of plane results that will be returned. deprecated: Use PlanesQuery instead.



property min_plane_area

[Read-Write] The minimum area (in square cm) of planes to be returned. This value cannot be lower than 400 (lower values will be capped to this minimum). A good default value is 2500. deprecated: Use PlanesQuery instead.



property plane_query_flags

the plane orientation detection settings also cause flags to be set. It is ok to duplicate those here. deprecated: Use PlanesQuery instead.




[Read-Write] Additional Flags to apply to the plane queries. Note

property plane_search_extents

[Read-Write] The dimensions of the box within which plane results will be returned. The box center and rotation are those of the tracking to world transform origin. deprecated: Use PlanesQuery instead.

