- class unreal.LensDistortionModelHandlerBase(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')¶
Asset user data that can be used on Camera Actors to manage lens distortion state and utilities
C++ Source:
Plugin: CameraCalibrationCore
Module: CameraCalibrationCore
File: LensDistortionModelHandlerBase.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(CameraFilmbackSettings): [Read-Write] Filmback settings of the camera that is being used for distortioncurrent_state
(LensDistortionState): [Read-Write] Current state as set by the most recent call to Update()display_name
(str): [Read-Only] Display name, used to identify handler in-editor details panelsdistortion_post_process_mid
(MaterialInstanceDynamic): [Read-Only] Dynamically created post-process material instance for the currently specified lens modellens_model_class
(type(Class)): [Read-Only] Lens Model describing how to interpret the distortion parametersoverscan_factor
(float): [Read-Only] Computed overscan factor needed to scale the camera’s FOV (read-only)
- property camera_filmback: CameraFilmbackSettings¶
[Read-Write] Filmback settings of the camera that is being used for distortion
- Type:
- property current_state: LensDistortionState¶
[Read-Only] Current state as set by the most recent call to Update()
- Type:
- property distortion_post_process_mid: MaterialInstanceDynamic¶
[Read-Only] Dynamically created post-process material instance for the currently specified lens model
- Type:
- get_distortion_displacement_map() TextureRenderTarget2D ¶
Get the UV displacement map used to distort an undistorted image
- Return type:
- get_undistortion_displacement_map() TextureRenderTarget2D ¶
Get the UV displacement map used to undistort a distorted image
- Return type:
- is_model_supported(model_to_support) bool ¶
Returns true if the input model is supported by this model handler, false otherwise.
- property lens_model_class: Class¶
[Read-Only] Lens Model describing how to interpret the distortion parameters
- property overscan_factor: float¶
[Read-Only] Computed overscan factor needed to scale the camera’s FOV (read-only)
- Type:
- set_distortion_state(new_state) None ¶
Update the lens distortion state, recompute the overscan factor, and set all material parameters
- Parameters:
new_state (LensDistortionState) –