
class unreal.InterpTrackMove(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.InterpTrack

Track containing data for moving an actor around over time.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: InterpTrackMove.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • active_condition (TrackActiveCondition): [Read-Write] Sets the condition that must be met for this track to be enabled

  • ang_curve_tension (float): [Read-Write] Controls the tightness of the curve for the rotation path.

  • disable_movement (bool): [Read-Write] Disable previewing of this track - will always position AActor at Time=0.0. Useful when keyframing an object relative to this group.

  • hide3d_track (bool): [Read-Write] If true, 3D representation of this track in the 3D viewport is disabled.

  • lin_curve_tension (float): [Read-Write] Controls the tightness of the curve for the translation path.

  • look_at_group_name (Name): [Read-Write] When using IMR_LookAtGroup, specifies the Group which this track should always point its actor at.

  • pos_track (InterpCurveVector): [Read-Write] Actual position keyframe data.

  • rot_mode (InterpTrackMoveRotMode): [Read-Write] Rot Mode

  • show_arrow_at_keys (bool): [Read-Write] In the editor, show a small arrow at each keyframe indicating the rotation at that key.

  • show_rotation_on_curve_ed (bool): [Read-Write] If false, when this track is displayed on the Curve Editor in Matinee, do not show the Rotation tracks.

  • show_translation_on_curve_ed (bool): [Read-Write] If false, when this track is displayed on the Curve Editor in Matinee, do not show the Translation tracks.

  • sub_tracks (Array(InterpTrack)): [Read-Write] A list of subtracks that belong to this track

  • use_quat_interpolation (bool): [Read-Write] Use a Quaternion linear interpolation between keys. This is robust and will find the ‘shortest’ distance between keys, but does not support ease in/out.

property pos_track

[Read-Only] Actual position keyframe data.

