
class unreal.InputTriggerDown(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')

Bases: InputTrigger


Trigger fires when the input exceeds the actuation threshold. Note: When no triggers are bound Down (with an actuation threshold of > 0) is the default behavior.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: EnhancedInput

  • Module: EnhancedInput

  • File: InputTriggers.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • actuation_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Actuation Threshold: Point at which this trigger fires

  • last_value (InputActionValue): [Read-Write] Last Value: Value passed to UpdateState on the previous tick. This will be updated automatically after the trigger is updated.

  • should_always_tick (bool): [Read-Write] Should Always Tick: Decides whether this trigger ticks every frame or not.

    • This WILL affect performance and should only be used in specific custom triggers.