
class unreal.HierarchicalSimplification

Bases: StructBase

Hierarchical Simplification

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: WorldSettings.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • allow_specific_exclusion (bool): [Read-Write]

  • approximate_settings (MeshApproximationSettings): [Read-Write] Approximate settings, used if SimplificationMethod is Approximate

  • desired_bound_radius (float): [Read-Write] Desired Bounding Radius for clustering - this is not guaranteed but used to calculate filling factor for auto clustering

  • desired_filling_percentage (float): [Read-Write] Desired Filling Percentage for clustering - this is not guaranteed but used to calculate filling factor for auto clustering

  • merge_setting (MeshMergingSettings): [Read-Write] Merge settings, used if SimplificationMethod is Merge

  • min_number_of_actors_to_build (int32): [Read-Write] Min number of actors to build LODActor

  • only_generate_clusters_for_volumes (bool): [Read-Write] Only generate clusters for HLOD volumes

  • override_draw_distance (float): [Read-Write]

  • proxy_setting (MeshProxySettings): [Read-Write] Simplification settings, used if SimplificationMethod is Simplify

  • reuse_previous_level_clusters (bool): [Read-Write] Will reuse the clusters generated for the previous (lower) HLOD level

  • simplification_method (HierarchicalSimplificationMethod): [Read-Write]

  • simplify_mesh (bool): [Read-Write] deprecated: Property ‘bSimplifyMesh’ is deprecated.

  • transition_screen_size (float): [Read-Write] The screen radius an mesh object should reach before swapping to the LOD actor, once one of parent displays, it won’t draw any of children.

  • use_override_draw_distance (bool): [Read-Write]

property simplify_mesh: bool

[Read-Write] deprecated: Property ‘bSimplifyMesh’ is deprecated.

