- class unreal.HairStrandsParameters¶
Hair Strands Parameters
C++ Source:
Plugin: HairStrands
Module: HairStrandsCore
File: GroomAssetPhysics.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(float): [Read-Write] Density of the strands in g/cm3strands_size
(GroomStrandsSize): [Read-Write] Number of particles per guide that will be used for simulationstrands_smoothing
(float): [Read-Write] Smoothing between 0 and 1 of the incoming guides curves for better stabilitystrands_thickness
(float): [Read-Write] Strands thickness in cm that will be used for mass and inertia computationthickness_scale
(RuntimeFloatCurve): [Read-Write] This curve determines how much the strands thickness will be scaled along each strand.The X axis range is [0,1], 0 mapping the root and 1 the tip