
class unreal.HairGroupsPhysics

Bases: StructBase

Hair Groups Physics

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: HairStrands

  • Module: HairStrandsCore

  • File: GroomAssetPhysics.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • external_forces (HairExternalForces): [Read-Write] External Forces: External Forces for the hair physics

  • material_constraints (HairMaterialConstraints): [Read-Write] Material Constraints: Material Constraints for the hair physics

  • solver_settings (HairSolverSettings): [Read-Write] Solver Settings: Solver Settings for the hair physics

  • strands_parameters (HairStrandsParameters): [Read-Write] Strands Parameters: Strands Parameters for the hair physics