
class unreal.HairCardsGeometrySettings(generation_type: HairCardsGenerationType = Ellipsis, cards_count: int = 0, cluster_type: HairCardsClusterType = Ellipsis, min_segment_length: float = 0.0)

Bases: StructBase

Hair Cards Geometry Settings

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: HairStrands

  • Module: HairStrandsCore

  • File: GroomAssetCards.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • angular_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Angular Threshold: Max angular difference between adjacents vertices to remove vertices during simplification with MinSegmentLength, in degrees.

  • cards_count (int32): [Read-Write] Cards Count: Define how many cards should be generated. The generated number can be lower, as some cards can be discarded by other options.

  • cluster_type (HairCardsClusterType): [Read-Write] Cluster Type: Quality of clustering when group hair to belong to a similar cards. This does not change the number cards, but only how cards are shaped (size/shape)

  • generation_type (HairCardsGenerationType): [Read-Write] Generation Type: Define how cards should be generated. Cards count: define a targeted number of cards. Use guides: use simulation guide as cards.

  • max_cards_length (float): [Read-Write] Max Cards Length: Length above which generated cards are discard, as there are considered too larger. (Default:0, which means no trimming)

  • min_cards_length (float): [Read-Write] Min Cards Length: Length below which generated cards are discard, as there are considered too small. (Default:0, which means no trimming)

  • min_segment_length (float): [Read-Write] Min Segment Length: Minimum size of a card segment

property cards_count: int

[Read-Write] Cards Count: Define how many cards should be generated. The generated number can be lower, as some cards can be discarded by other options.



property cluster_type: HairCardsClusterType

[Read-Write] Cluster Type: Quality of clustering when group hair to belong to a similar cards. This does not change the number cards, but only how cards are shaped (size/shape)



property generation_type: HairCardsGenerationType

[Read-Write] Generation Type: Define how cards should be generated. Cards count: define a targeted number of cards. Use guides: use simulation guide as cards.



property min_segment_length: float

[Read-Write] Min Segment Length: Minimum size of a card segment

