
class unreal.GroomCacheImportSettings(import_groom_cache: bool = False, import_type: GroomCacheImportType = 0, frame_start: int = 0, frame_end: int = 0, skip_empty_frames: bool = False, import_groom_asset: bool = False, groom_asset: SoftObjectPath = Ellipsis, override_conversion_settings: bool = False, conversion_settings: GroomConversionSettings = Ellipsis)

Bases: StructBase

Groom Cache Import Settings

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: HairStrands

  • Module: HairStrandsCore

  • File: GroomCacheImportOptions.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • conversion_settings (GroomConversionSettings): [Read-Write] Conversion settings to apply to the groom cache import when override is enabled

  • frame_end (int32): [Read-Write] Ending index to stop sampling the animation at

  • frame_start (int32): [Read-Write] Starting index to start sampling the animation from

  • groom_asset (SoftObjectPath): [Read-Write] The groom asset the groom cache will be built from (must be compatible)

  • import_groom_asset (bool): [Read-Write] Import or re-import the groom asset from this file

  • import_groom_cache (bool): [Read-Write] Import the animated groom that was detected in this file

  • import_type (GroomCacheImportType): [Read-Write] Groom Cache types to import

  • override_conversion_settings (bool): [Read-Write] Set to true to override the groom conversion settings. Otherwise, use the settings from the groom import options

  • skip_empty_frames (bool): [Read-Write] Skip empty (pre-roll) frames and start importing at the frame which actually contains data

property conversion_settings: GroomConversionSettings

[Read-Write] Conversion settings to apply to the groom cache import when override is enabled



property frame_end: int

[Read-Write] Ending index to stop sampling the animation at



property frame_start: int

[Read-Write] Starting index to start sampling the animation from



property groom_asset: SoftObjectPath

[Read-Write] The groom asset the groom cache will be built from (must be compatible)



property hair_strands_asset: SoftObjectPath

‘hair_strands_asset’ was renamed to ‘groom_asset’.



property import_groom_asset: bool

[Read-Write] Import or re-import the groom asset from this file



property import_groom_cache: bool

[Read-Write] Import the animated groom that was detected in this file



property import_type: GroomCacheImportType

[Read-Write] Groom Cache types to import



property override_conversion_settings: bool

[Read-Write] Set to true to override the groom conversion settings. Otherwise, use the settings from the groom import options



property skip_empty_frames: bool

[Read-Write] Skip empty (pre-roll) frames and start importing at the frame which actually contains data

