- class unreal.GoogleARCoreFrameFunctionLibrary(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')¶
A function library that provides static/Blueprint functions associated with most recent GoogleARCore tracking frame.
C++ Source:
Plugin: GoogleARCore
Module: GoogleARCoreBase
File: GoogleARCoreFunctionLibrary.h
- classmethod acquire_camera_image() -> (GoogleARCoreFunctionStatus, out_latest_camera_image=GoogleARCoreCameraImage)¶
Acquire Camera Image deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetARTexture.
- Returns:
out_latest_camera_image (GoogleARCoreCameraImage):
- Return type:
- classmethod acquire_point_cloud() -> (GoogleARCoreFunctionStatus, out_latest_point_cloud=GoogleARCorePointCloud)¶
Acquire Point Cloud deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetPointCloud.
- Returns:
out_latest_point_cloud (GoogleARCorePointCloud):
- Return type:
- classmethod ar_core_line_trace(world_context_object, screen_position, trace_channels) Array[ARTraceResult] or None ¶
ARCore Line Trace deprecated: This function is deprecated, use LineTraceTrackedObjects.
- Parameters:
world_context_object (Object) –
screen_position (Vector2D) –
trace_channels (Set[GoogleARCoreLineTraceChannel]) –
- Returns:
out_hit_results (Array[ARTraceResult]):
- Return type:
Array[ARTraceResult] or None
- classmethod ar_core_line_trace_ray(world_context_object, start, end, trace_channels) Array[ARTraceResult] or None ¶
ARCore Line Trace Ray deprecated: This function is deprecated, use LineTraceTrackedObjects3D.
- Parameters:
world_context_object (Object) –
start (Vector) –
end (Vector) –
trace_channels (Set[GoogleARCoreLineTraceChannel]) –
- Returns:
out_hit_results (Array[ARTraceResult]):
- Return type:
Array[ARTraceResult] or None
- classmethod get_camera_image_intrinsics() -> (GoogleARCoreFunctionStatus, out_camera_intrinsics=GoogleARCoreCameraIntrinsics)¶
Get Camera Image Intrinsics deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetCameraIntrinsics.
- Returns:
out_camera_intrinsics (GoogleARCoreCameraIntrinsics):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_camera_texture() Texture ¶
Get Camera Texture deprecated: GetCameraTexture is deprecated. Currently, use GoogleARCore Passthrough Camera expression.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_camera_texture_intrinsics() -> (GoogleARCoreFunctionStatus, out_camera_intrinsics=GoogleARCoreCameraIntrinsics)¶
Get Camera Texture Intrinsics deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetCameraIntrinsics.
- Returns:
out_camera_intrinsics (GoogleARCoreCameraIntrinsics):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_light_estimation() GoogleARCoreLightEstimate ¶
Get Light Estimation deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetCurrentLightEstimate.
- Returns:
out_light_estimate (GoogleARCoreLightEstimate):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_point_cloud() -> (GoogleARCoreFunctionStatus, out_latest_point_cloud=GoogleARCorePointCloud)¶
Get Point Cloud deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetPointCloud.
- Returns:
out_latest_point_cloud (GoogleARCorePointCloud):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_pose() Transform ¶
Get Pose deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetOrientationAndPosition.
- Returns:
out_pose (Transform):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_tracking_failure_reason() GoogleARCoreTrackingFailureReason ¶
Get Tracking Failure Reason deprecated: GetTrackingFailureReason is deprecated. Use GetTrackingQualityReason.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_tracking_state() GoogleARCoreTrackingState ¶
Get Tracking State deprecated: GetTrackingState is deprecated. Use GetTrackingQuality.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_updated_ar_pins() Array[ARPin] ¶
Get Updated ARPins deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetAllPins.
- classmethod get_updated_augmented_faces() Array[GoogleARCoreAugmentedFace] ¶
Get Updated Augmented Faces deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetAllGeometriesByClass.
- Returns:
out_face_list (Array[GoogleARCoreAugmentedFace]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_updated_augmented_images() Array[GoogleARCoreAugmentedImage] ¶
Get Updated Augmented Images deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetAllGeometriesByClass.
- Returns:
out_image_list (Array[GoogleARCoreAugmentedImage]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_updated_planes() Array[ARPlaneGeometry] ¶
Get Updated Planes deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetAllGeometriesByClass.
- Returns:
out_plane_list (Array[ARPlaneGeometry]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_updated_trackable_points() Array[ARTrackedPoint] ¶
Get Updated Trackable Points deprecated: This function is deprecated, use GetAllGeometriesByClass.
- Returns:
out_trackable_point_list (Array[ARTrackedPoint]):
- Return type:
- classmethod transform_ar_coordinates2d(input_coordinates_type, input_coordinates, output_coordinates_type) Array[Vector2D] ¶
Transform ARCoordinates 2D deprecated: This function is deprecated, use the standard materials from ARUtilities plugin for passthrough rendering.
- Parameters:
input_coordinates_type (GoogleARCoreCoordinates2DType) –
output_coordinates_type (GoogleARCoreCoordinates2DType) –
- Returns:
output_coordinates (Array[Vector2D]):
- Return type: