
class unreal.GoogleARCoreCameraConfig(camera_image_resolution: IntPoint = Ellipsis, camera_texture_resolution: IntPoint = Ellipsis, camera_id: str = '', target_fps: int = 0, depth_sensor_usage: int = 0)

Bases: StructBase

Camera configuration from ARCore.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: GoogleARCore

  • Module: GoogleARCoreBase

  • File: GoogleARCoreTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • camera_id (str): [Read-Write] Camera ID: The id of the camera will be used in this CameraConfig.

  • camera_image_resolution (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Camera Image Resolution: CPU-accessible camera image resolution.

  • camera_texture_resolution (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Camera Texture Resolution: Texture resolution for the camera image accessible to the graphics API and shaders.

  • depth_sensor_usage (int32): [Read-Write] Depth Sensor Usage: The desired depth sensor usage of the camera.

  • target_fps (int32): [Read-Write] Target FPS: The target FPS of the camera.

property camera_id: str

[Read-Only] Camera ID: The id of the camera will be used in this CameraConfig.



property camera_image_resolution: IntPoint

[Read-Only] Camera Image Resolution: CPU-accessible camera image resolution.



property camera_texture_resolution: IntPoint

[Read-Only] Camera Texture Resolution: Texture resolution for the camera image accessible to the graphics API and shaders.



property depth_sensor_usage: int

[Read-Only] Depth Sensor Usage: The desired depth sensor usage of the camera.



property target_fps: int

[Read-Only] Target FPS: The target FPS of the camera.

