- class unreal.GlobalEditorUtilityBase(outer=None, name='None')¶
Global Editor Utility Base
C++ Source:
Module: Blutility
File: GlobalEditorUtilityBase.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(bool): [Read-Write] Should this blueprint automatically run OnDefaultActionClicked, or should it open up a details panel to edit properties and/or offer multiple buttonshelp_text
(str): [Read-Write] Help Texton_each_selected_actor
(ForEachActorIteratorSignature): [Read-Write] The method called for each selected actor when ForEachSelectedActor is calledon_each_selected_asset
(ForEachAssetIteratorSignature): [Read-Write] The method called for each selected asset when ForEachSelectedAsset is called
- property auto_run_default_action¶
[Read-Only] Should this blueprint automatically run OnDefaultActionClicked, or should it open up a details panel to edit properties and/or offer multiple buttons
- Type
- get_actor_reference(path_to_actor) → Actor¶
Attempts to find the actor specified by PathToActor in the current editor world
- get_editor_user_settings() → EditorPerProjectUserSettings¶
Get Editor User Settings
- Returns
- Return type
- get_selection_bounds() -> (origin=Vector, box_extent=Vector, sphere_radius=float)¶
Get Selection Bounds
- Returns
origin (Vector):
box_extent (Vector):
sphere_radius (float):
- Return type
- on_default_action_clicked() → None¶
The default action called when the blutility is invoked if bAutoRunDefaultAction=true (it is never called otherwise)
- property on_each_selected_actor¶
[Read-Write] The method called for each selected actor when ForEachSelectedActor is called
- property on_each_selected_asset¶
[Read-Write] The method called for each selected asset when ForEachSelectedAsset is called