
class unreal.GeometryScript_Primitives(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')

Bases: BlueprintFunctionLibrary

Geometry Script Library Mesh Primitive Functions

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: GeometryScripting

  • Module: GeometryScriptingCore

  • File: MeshPrimitiveFunctions.h

classmethod append_box(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, dimension_x=100.000000, dimension_y=100.000000, dimension_z=100.000000, steps_x=0, steps_y=0, steps_z=0, origin=GeometryScriptPrimitiveOriginMode.BASE, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Box

Return type:


classmethod append_capsule(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, radius=30.000000, line_length=75.000000, hemisphere_steps=5, circle_steps=8, origin=GeometryScriptPrimitiveOriginMode.BASE, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Capsule

Return type:


classmethod append_cone(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, base_radius=50.000000, top_radius=5.000000, height=100.000000, radial_steps=12, height_steps=4, capped=True, origin=GeometryScriptPrimitiveOriginMode.BASE, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Cone

Return type:


classmethod append_curved_stairs(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, step_width=100.000000, step_height=20.000000, inner_radius=150.000000, curve_angle=90.000000, num_steps=8, floating=False, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Curved Stairs

Return type:


classmethod append_cylinder(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, radius=50.000000, height=100.000000, radial_steps=12, height_steps=0, capped=True, origin=GeometryScriptPrimitiveOriginMode.BASE, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Cylinder

Return type:


classmethod append_disc(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, radius=50.000000, angle_steps=16, spoke_steps=0, start_angle=0.000000, end_angle=360.000000, hole_radius=0.000000, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Disc

Return type:


classmethod append_linear_stairs(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, step_width=100.000000, step_height=20.000000, step_depth=30.000000, num_steps=8, floating=False, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Linear Stairs

Return type:


classmethod append_rectangle(target_mesh: DynamicMesh, primitive_options: GeometryScriptPrimitiveOptions, transform: Transform, dimension_x: float = 100.0, dimension_y: float = 100.0, steps_width: int = 0, steps_height: int = 0, debug: GeometryScriptDebug = Ellipsis) DynamicMesh

deprecated: ‘append_rectangle’ was renamed to ‘append_rectangle_compatibility_5_0’.

classmethod append_rectangle_compatibility_5_0(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, dimension_x=100.000000, dimension_y=100.000000, steps_width=0, steps_height=0, debug=None) DynamicMesh

5.0 Preview 1 Compatibility version of AppendRectangleXY. Incorrectly interprets the input dimensions. Incorrectly divides the input DimensionX and DimensionY by 2. warning: It is strongly recommended that callers of this function update to the current AppendRectangleXY function!

Return type:


classmethod append_rectangle_xy(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, dimension_x=100.000000, dimension_y=100.000000, steps_width=0, steps_height=0, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Rectangle XY

Return type:


classmethod append_revolve_path(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, path_vertices, revolve_options, steps=8, capped=True, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Revolve Path

Return type:


classmethod append_revolve_polygon(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, polygon_vertices, revolve_options, radius=100.000000, steps=8, debug=None) DynamicMesh

In the coordinate system of the revolve polygon, +X is towards the “outside” of the revolve donut, and +Y is “up” (ie +Z in local space) Polygon should be oriented counter-clockwise to produce a correctly-oriented shape, otherwise it will be inside-out Polygon endpoint is not repeated.

Return type:


classmethod append_round_rectangle(target_mesh: DynamicMesh, primitive_options: GeometryScriptPrimitiveOptions, transform: Transform, dimension_x: float = 100.0, dimension_y: float = 100.0, corner_radius: float = 5.0, steps_width: int = 0, steps_height: int = 0, steps_round: int = 4, debug: GeometryScriptDebug = Ellipsis) DynamicMesh

deprecated: ‘append_round_rectangle’ was renamed to ‘append_round_rectangle_compatibility_5_0’.

classmethod append_round_rectangle_compatibility_5_0(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, dimension_x=100.000000, dimension_y=100.000000, corner_radius=5.000000, steps_width=0, steps_height=0, steps_round=4, debug=None) DynamicMesh

5.0 Preview 1 Compatibility version of AppendRoundRectangleXY. Incorrectly divides the input DimensionX and DimensionY by 2. warning: It is strongly recommended that callers of this function update to the current AppendRoundRectangleXY function!

Return type:


classmethod append_round_rectangle_xy(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, dimension_x=100.000000, dimension_y=100.000000, corner_radius=5.000000, steps_width=0, steps_height=0, steps_round=4, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Round Rectangle XY

Return type:


classmethod append_simple_extrude_polygon(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, polygon_vertices, height=100.000000, height_steps=0, capped=True, origin=GeometryScriptPrimitiveOriginMode.BASE, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Polygon should be oriented counter-clockwise to produce a correctly-oriented shape, otherwise it will be inside-out Polygon endpoint is not repeated.

Return type:


classmethod append_simple_swept_polygon(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, polygon_vertices, sweep_path, loop=False, capped=True, start_scale=1.000000, end_scale=1.000000, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Simple Swept Polygon

Return type:


classmethod append_sphere_box(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, radius=50.000000, steps_x=6, steps_y=6, steps_z=6, origin=GeometryScriptPrimitiveOriginMode.CENTER, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Sphere Box

Return type:


classmethod append_sphere_lat_long(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, radius=50.000000, steps_phi=10, steps_theta=16, origin=GeometryScriptPrimitiveOriginMode.CENTER, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Sphere Lat Long

Return type:


classmethod append_spiral_revolve_polygon(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, polygon_vertices, revolve_options, radius=100.000000, steps=18, rise_per_revolution=50.000000, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Spiral Revolve Polygon

Return type:


classmethod append_sweep_polygon(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, polygon_vertices, sweep_path, loop=False, capped=True, start_scale=1.000000, end_scale=1.000000, rotation_angle_deg=0.000000, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Sweep the given 2D PolygonVertices along the SweepPath specified as a set of FTransforms If the 2D vertices are (U,V), then in the coordinate space of the FTransform, X points “along” the path, Y points “right” (U) and Z points “up” (V).

  • target_mesh (DynamicMesh) –

  • primitive_options (GeometryScriptPrimitiveOptions) –

  • transform (Transform) –

  • polygon_vertices (Array[Vector2D]) – vertices of the closed 2D polyon that will be swept along the SweepPath

  • sweep_path (Array[Transform]) – defines the 3D sweep path curve as a 3D poly-path, with rotation and scaling at each polypath vertex taken from the Transform

  • loop (bool) – if true, SweepPath is considered to be a Loop and a section connecting the end and start of the path is added (bCapped is ignored)

  • capped (bool) – if true the open ends of the swept generalized cylinder are triangulated

  • start_scale (float) – uniform scaling applied to the 2D polygon at the start of the path. Interpolated via arc length to EndScale at the end of the path.

  • end_scale (float) – uniform scaling applied to the 2D polygon at the end of the path

  • rotation_angle_deg (float) – Rotation applied to the 2D Polygon. Positive rotation rotates clockwise, ie Up/+Z/+V towards Right/+Y/+U

  • debug (GeometryScriptDebug) –

Return type:


classmethod append_sweep_polyline(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, polyline_vertices, sweep_path, polyline_tex_param_u, sweep_path_tex_param_v, loop=False, start_scale=1.000000, end_scale=1.000000, rotation_angle_deg=0.000000, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Sweep the given 2D PolylineVertices along the SweepPath specified as a set of FTransforms If the 2D vertices are (U,V), then in the coordinate space of the FTransform, X points “along” the path, Y points “right” (U) and Z points “up” (V).

  • target_mesh (DynamicMesh) –

  • primitive_options (GeometryScriptPrimitiveOptions) –

  • transform (Transform) –

  • polyline_vertices (Array[Vector2D]) – vertices of the open 2D path that will be swept along the SweepPath

  • sweep_path (Array[Transform]) – defines the 3D sweep path curve as a 3D poly-path, with rotation and scaling at each polypath vertex taken from the Transform

  • polyline_tex_param_u (Array[float]) – defines U coordinate value for each element in PolylineVertices. Must be same length as PolylineVertices (ignored if length=0).

  • sweep_path_tex_param_v (Array[float]) – defines V coordinate value for each element in SweepPath. Must be same length as PolylineVertices if bLoop=false, length+1 if bLoop=true, and ignored if length=0.

  • loop (bool) – if true, SweepPath is considered to be a Loop and a section connecting the end and start of the path is added (bCapped is ignored)

  • start_scale (float) – uniform scaling applied to the 2D polygon at the start of the path. Interpolated via arc length to EndScale at the end of the path.

  • end_scale (float) – uniform scaling applied to the 2D polygon at the end of the path

  • rotation_angle_deg (float) – Rotation applied to the 2D Polygon. Positive rotation rotates clockwise, ie Up/+Z/+V towards Right/+Y/+U. This Rotation is applied before any rotation in the SweepPath Transforms.

  • debug (GeometryScriptDebug) –

Return type:


classmethod append_torus(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, revolve_options, major_radius=50.000000, minor_radius=25.000000, major_steps=16, minor_steps=8, origin=GeometryScriptPrimitiveOriginMode.BASE, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Torus

Return type:


classmethod append_triangulated_polygon(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, polygon_vertices, allow_self_intersections=True, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Polygon should be oriented counter-clockwise to produce a correctly-oriented shape, otherwise it will be inside-out Polygon endpoint is not repeated.

Return type:


classmethod append_voronoi_diagram2d(target_mesh, primitive_options, transform, voronoi_sites, voronoi_options, debug=None) DynamicMesh

Append Voronoi Diagram 2D

Return type:
