- class unreal.GeometryScriptUniformRemeshOptions(target_type: GeometryScriptUniformRemeshTargetType = Ellipsis, target_triangle_count: int = 0, target_edge_length: float = 0.0)¶
Uniform Remeshing Options
C++ Source:
Plugin: GeometryScripting
Module: GeometryScriptingCore
File: MeshRemeshFunctions.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(float): [Read-Write] Explicit Target Edge Length that is desired in the output uniform meshtarget_triangle_count
(int32): [Read-Write] Approximate Target Triangle Count, combined with mesh surface area to derive a TargetEdgeLengthtarget_type
(GeometryScriptUniformRemeshTargetType): [Read-Write] Method used to define target/goal of Uniform Remeshing
- property target_edge_length: float¶
[Read-Write] Explicit Target Edge Length that is desired in the output uniform mesh
- Type:
- property target_triangle_count: int¶
[Read-Write] Approximate Target Triangle Count, combined with mesh surface area to derive a TargetEdgeLength
- Type:
- property target_type: GeometryScriptUniformRemeshTargetType¶
[Read-Write] Method used to define target/goal of Uniform Remeshing