- class unreal.GameplayEffectExecutionDefinition¶
Struct representing the definition of a custom execution for a gameplay effect. Custom executions run special logic from an outside class each time the gameplay effect executes.
C++ Source:
Plugin: GameplayAbilities
Module: GameplayAbilities
File: GameplayEffect.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(type(Class)): [Read-Write] Custom execution calculation class to run when the gameplay effect executescalculation_modifiers
(Array[GameplayEffectExecutionScopedModifierInfo]): [Read-Write] Modifiers that are applied “in place” during the execution calculationconditional_gameplay_effects
(Array[ConditionalGameplayEffect]): [Read-Write] Other Gameplay Effects that will be applied to the target of this execution if the execution is successful. Note if no execution class is selected, these will always apply.passed_in_tags
(GameplayTagContainer): [Read-Write] These tags are passed into the execution as is, and may be used to do conditional logic