- class unreal.FontLoadingPolicy¶
EFont Loading Policy
C++ Source:
Module: SlateCore
File: CompositeFont.h
- INLINE: FontLoadingPolicy¶
Embed the font data within the asset. This will consume more memory than Streaming, however it is guaranteed to be hitch free (only valid for font data within a Font Face asset).
- Type:
- LAZY_LOAD: FontLoadingPolicy¶
Lazy load the entire font into memory. This will consume more memory than Streaming, however there will be zero file-IO when rendering glyphs within the font, although the initial load may cause a hitch.
- Type:
- STREAM: FontLoadingPolicy¶
Stream the font from disk. This will consume less memory than LazyLoad or Inline, however there will be file-IO when rendering glyphs, which may cause hitches under certain circumstances or on certain platforms.
- Type: