
class unreal.FontImportOptionsData

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Font import options

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: FontImportOptions.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • alpha_only (bool): [Read-Write] if true then forces PF_G8 and only maintains Alpha value and discards color

  • character_set (FontImportCharacterSet): [Read-Write] Character set for this font

  • chars (str): [Read-Write] Explicit list of characters to include in the font

  • chars_file_path (str): [Read-Write] Path on disk to a folder where files that contain a list of characters to include in the font

  • chars_file_wildcard (str): [Read-Write] File mask wildcard that specifies which files within the CharsFilePath to scan for characters in include in the font

  • create_printable_only (bool): [Read-Write] Skips generation of glyphs for any characters that are not considered ‘printable’

  • distance_field_scale_factor (int32): [Read-Write] Scale factor determines how big to scale the font bitmap during import when generating distance field values Note that higher values give better quality but importing will take much longer.

  • distance_field_scan_radius_scale (float): [Read-Write] Shrinks or expands the scan radius used to determine the silhouette of the font edges.

  • enable_antialiasing (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the font should be antialiased or not. Usually you should leave this enabled.

  • enable_bold (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the font should be generated in bold or not

  • enable_drop_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Enables a very simple, 1-pixel, black colored drop shadow for the generated font

  • enable_italic (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the font should be generated in italics or not

  • enable_legacy_mode (bool): [Read-Write] Enables legacy font import mode. This results in lower quality antialiasing and larger glyph bounds, but may be useful when debugging problems

  • enable_underline (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the font should be generated with an underline or not

  • extend_box_bottom (int32): [Read-Write] How much to extend the bottom of the UV coordinate rectangle for each character in pixels

  • extend_box_left (int32): [Read-Write] How much to extend the left of the UV coordinate rectangle for each character in pixels

  • extend_box_right (int32): [Read-Write] How much to extend the right of the UV coordinate rectangle for each character in pixels

  • extend_box_top (int32): [Read-Write] How much to extend the top of the UV coordinate rectangle for each character in pixels

  • font_name (str): [Read-Write] Name of the typeface for the font to import

  • foreground_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] Color of the foreground font pixels. Usually you should leave this white and instead use the UI Styles editor to change the color of the font on the fly

  • height (float): [Read-Write] Height of font (point size)

  • include_ascii_range (bool): [Read-Write] When specifying a range of characters and this is enabled, forces ASCII characters (0 thru 255) to be included as well

  • kerning (int32): [Read-Write] The initial horizontal spacing adjustment between rendered characters. This setting will be copied directly into the generated Font object’s properties.

  • texture_page_max_height (int32): [Read-Write] The maximum vertical size of a texture page for this font in pixels. The actual height of a texture page may be less than this if the font can fit within a smaller sized texture page.

  • texture_page_width (int32): [Read-Write] Horizontal size of each texture page for this font in pixels

  • unicode_range (str): [Read-Write] Range of Unicode character values to include in the font. You can specify ranges using hyphens and/or commas (e.g. ‘400-900’)

  • use_distance_field_alpha (bool): [Read-Write] If true then the alpha channel of the font textures will store a distance field instead of a color mask

  • x_padding (int32): [Read-Write] Horizontal padding between each font character on the texture page in pixels

  • y_padding (int32): [Read-Write] Vertical padding between each font character on the texture page in pixels