
class unreal.FindFloorResult(blocking_hit: bool = False, walkable_floor: bool = False, line_trace: bool = False, floor_dist: float = 0.0, line_dist: float = 0.0, hit_result: HitResult = Ellipsis)

Bases: StructBase

Data about the floor for walking movement, used by CharacterMovementComponent.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: CharacterMovementComponentAsync.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • blocking_hit (bool): [Read-Only] Blocking Hit: True if there was a blocking hit in the floor test that was NOT in initial penetration. The HitResult can give more info about other circumstances.

  • floor_dist (float): [Read-Only] Floor Dist: The distance to the floor, computed from the swept capsule trace.

  • hit_result (HitResult): [Read-Only] Hit Result: Hit result of the test that found a floor. Includes more specific data about the point of impact and surface normal at that point.

  • line_dist (float): [Read-Only] Line Dist: The distance to the floor, computed from the trace. Only valid if bLineTrace is true.

  • line_trace (bool): [Read-Only] Line Trace: True if the hit found a valid walkable floor using a line trace (rather than a sweep test, which happens when the sweep test fails to yield a walkable surface).

  • walkable_floor (bool): [Read-Only] Walkable Floor: True if the hit found a valid walkable floor.

property blocking_hit: bool

[Read-Only] Blocking Hit: True if there was a blocking hit in the floor test that was NOT in initial penetration. The HitResult can give more info about other circumstances.



property floor_dist: float

[Read-Only] Floor Dist: The distance to the floor, computed from the swept capsule trace.



property hit_result: HitResult

[Read-Only] Hit Result: Hit result of the test that found a floor. Includes more specific data about the point of impact and surface normal at that point.



property line_dist: float

[Read-Only] Line Dist: The distance to the floor, computed from the trace. Only valid if bLineTrace is true.



property line_trace: bool

[Read-Only] Line Trace: True if the hit found a valid walkable floor using a line trace (rather than a sweep test, which happens when the sweep test fails to yield a walkable surface).



property walkable_floor: bool

[Read-Only] Walkable Floor: True if the hit found a valid walkable floor.

