
class unreal.FbxStaticMeshImportData(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.FbxMeshImportData

Fbx Static Mesh Import Data

C++ Source:

  • Module: UnrealEd

  • File: FbxStaticMeshImportData.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • auto_generate_collision (bool): [Read-Write] If checked, collision will automatically be generated (ignored if custom collision is imported or used).

  • bake_pivot_in_vertex (bool): [Read-Write] - Experimental - If this option is true the inverse node rotation pivot will be apply to the mesh vertices. The pivot from the DCC will then be the origin of the mesh. Note: “TransformVertexToAbsolute” must be false.

  • build_adjacency_buffer (bool): [Read-Write] Required for PNT tessellation but can be slow. Recommend disabling for larger meshes.

  • build_reversed_index_buffer (bool): [Read-Write] Build Reversed Index Buffer

  • combine_meshes (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, combines all meshes into a single mesh

  • compute_weighted_normals (bool): [Read-Write] Enabling this option will use weighted normals algorithm (area and angle) when computing normals or tangents

  • convert_scene (bool): [Read-Write] Convert the scene from FBX coordinate system to UE4 coordinate system

  • convert_scene_unit (bool): [Read-Write] Convert the scene from FBX unit to UE4 unit (centimeter).

  • force_front_x_axis (bool): [Read-Write] Convert the scene from FBX coordinate system to UE4 coordinate system with front X axis instead of -Y

  • generate_lightmap_u_vs (bool): [Read-Write] Generate Lightmap UVs

  • import_mesh_lo_ds (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, creates LOD models for Unreal meshes from LODs in the import file; If not enabled, only the base mesh from the LOD group is imported

  • import_rotation (Rotator): [Read-Write] Import Rotation

  • import_translation (Vector): [Read-Write] Import Translation

  • import_uniform_scale (float): [Read-Write] Import Uniform Scale

  • normal_generation_method (FBXNormalGenerationMethod): [Read-Write] Use the MikkTSpace tangent space generator for generating normals and tangents on the mesh

  • normal_import_method (FBXNormalImportMethod): [Read-Write] Enabling this option will read the tangents(tangent,binormal,normal) from FBX file instead of generating them automatically.

  • one_convex_hull_per_ucx (bool): [Read-Write] If checked, one convex hull per UCX_ prefixed collision mesh will be generated instead of decomposing into multiple hulls

  • remove_degenerates (bool): [Read-Write] Disabling this option will keep degenerate triangles found. In general you should leave this option on.

  • reorder_material_to_fbx_order (bool): [Read-Write] If checked, The material list will be reorder to the same order has the FBX file.

  • source_data (AssetImportInfo): [Read-Only] Source file data describing the files that were used to import this asset.

  • static_mesh_lod_group (Name): [Read-Write] The LODGroup to associate with this mesh when it is imported

  • transform_vertex_to_absolute (bool): [Read-Write] If this option is true the node absolute transform (transform, offset and pivot) will be apply to the mesh vertices.

  • vertex_color_import_option (VertexColorImportOption): [Read-Write] Specify how vertex colors should be imported

  • vertex_override_color (Color): [Read-Write] Specify override color in the case that VertexColorImportOption is set to Override

property auto_generate_collision

[Read-Write] If checked, collision will automatically be generated (ignored if custom collision is imported or used).



property build_adjacency_buffer

[Read-Write] Required for PNT tessellation but can be slow. Recommend disabling for larger meshes.



property build_reversed_index_buffer

[Read-Write] Build Reversed Index Buffer



property combine_meshes

[Read-Write] If enabled, combines all meshes into a single mesh



property generate_lightmap_u_vs

[Read-Write] Generate Lightmap UVs



property one_convex_hull_per_ucx

[Read-Write] If checked, one convex hull per UCX_ prefixed collision mesh will be generated instead of decomposing into multiple hulls



property remove_degenerates

[Read-Write] Disabling this option will keep degenerate triangles found. In general you should leave this option on.



property static_mesh_lod_group

[Read-Write] The LODGroup to associate with this mesh when it is imported



property vertex_color_import_option

[Read-Write] Specify how vertex colors should be imported



property vertex_override_color

[Read-Write] Specify override color in the case that VertexColorImportOption is set to Override

