
class unreal.EnvQueryInstanceBlueprintWrapper(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')

Bases: Object

Env Query Instance Blueprint Wrapper

C++ Source:

  • Module: AIModule

  • File: EnvQueryInstanceBlueprintWrapper.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • item_type (type(Class)): [Read-Write] Item Type

  • on_query_finished_event (EQSQueryDoneSignature): [Read-Write] On Query Finished Event

  • option_index (int32): [Read-Write] Option Index: index of query option, that generated items

  • query_id (int32): [Read-Write] Query ID

get_item_score(item_index) float

Get Item Score


item_index (int32) –

Return type:


get_query_results_as_actors() Array[Actor] or None

Outputs an array filled with resulting actors. Note that it makes sense only if ItemType is a EnvQueryItemType_ActorBase-derived type. Returns false if there is no valid result.


result_actors (Array[Actor]):

Return type:

Array[Actor] or None

get_query_results_as_locations() Array[Vector] or None

Outputs an array of locations generated by the query. If the query generated Actors the the array is filled with their locations. Returns false if there is no valid result.


result_locations (Array[Vector]):

Return type:

Array[Vector] or None

get_results_as_actors() Array[Actor]

DEPRECATED! Use GetQueryResultsAsActors instead. Returns an array filled with resulting actors. Note that it makes sense only if ItemType is a EnvQueryItemType_ActorBase-derived type. deprecated: Use GetQueryResultsAsActors instead, which is more efficient itself and protects against very bad perf issues in some blueprints.

Return type:


get_results_as_locations() Array[Vector]

DEPRECATED! Use GetQueryResultsAsLocations instead. Returns an array of locations generated by the query. If the query generated Actors the the array is filled with their locations. deprecated: GetQueryResultsAsLocations instead, which is more efficient itself and protects against very bad perf issues in some blueprints.

Return type:


property item_type: Class

[Read-Only] Item Type



property on_query_finished_event: EQSQueryDoneSignature

[Read-Write] On Query Finished Event



property option_index: int

[Read-Only] Option Index: index of query option, that generated items



property query_id: int

[Read-Only] Query ID



set_named_param(param_name, value) None

Set Named Param
