- class unreal.EditorValidatorBase(outer=None, name='None')¶
The EditorValidatorBase is a class which verifies that an asset meets a specific ruleset.
It should be used when checking engine-level classes, as UObject::IsDataValid requires
overriding the base class. You can create project-specific version of the validator base,
with custom logging and enabled logic.
C++ and Blueprint validators will be gathered on editor start, while python validators need
to register themselves
C++ Source:
Plugin: DataValidation
Module: DataValidation
File: EditorValidatorBase.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(bool): [Read-Write] Is Enabled
- asset_fails(asset, message, validation_errors)¶
Asset Fails
- can_validate_asset(asset) → bool¶
Override this to determine whether or not you can validate a given asset with this validator
- get_validation_result() → DataValidationResult¶
Get Validation Result
- Returns
- Return type