- class unreal.EditorLevelLibrary(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')¶
Utility class to do most of the common functionalities in the World Editor. The editor should not be in play in editor mode.
C++ Source:
Plugin: EditorScriptingUtilities
Module: EditorScriptingUtilities
File: EditorLevelLibrary.h
- classmethod clear_actor_selection_set() None ¶
Clear Actor Selection Set deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Editor Actor Utilities Subsystem
- classmethod convert_actors(actors, actor_class, static_mesh_package_path) Array[Actor] ¶
Convert Actors deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Editor Actor Utilities Subsystem
- classmethod create_proxy_mesh_actor(actors_to_merge, merge_options) StaticMeshActor or None ¶
Create Proxy Mesh Actor deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Static Mesh Editor Subsystem
- Parameters:
actors_to_merge (Array[StaticMeshActor]) –
merge_options (CreateProxyMeshActorOptions) –
- Returns:
out_merged_actor (StaticMeshActor):
- Return type:
StaticMeshActor or None
- classmethod destroy_actor(actor_to_destroy) bool ¶
Destroy Actor deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Editor Actor Utilities Subsystem
- classmethod editor_invalidate_viewports() None ¶
Editor Invalidate Viewports deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- classmethod editor_play_simulate() None ¶
Editor Play Simulate deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- classmethod editor_set_game_view(game_view) None ¶
Editor Set Game View deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- Parameters:
game_view (bool) –
- classmethod eject_pilot_level_actor() None ¶
Eject Pilot Level Actor deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- classmethod get_actor_reference(path_to_actor) Actor ¶
Get Actor Reference deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Editor Actor Utilities Subsystem
- classmethod get_all_level_actors() Array[Actor] ¶
Get All Level Actors deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Editor Actor Utilities Subsystem
- classmethod get_all_level_actors_components() Array[ActorComponent] ¶
Get All Level Actors Components deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Editor Actor Utilities Subsystem
- Return type:
- classmethod get_editor_world() World ¶
Get Editor World deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Unreal Editor Subsystem
- Return type:
- classmethod get_game_world() World ¶
Get Game World deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Unreal Editor Subsystem
- Return type:
- classmethod get_level_viewport_camera_info() (camera_location=Vector, camera_rotation=Rotator) or None ¶
Get Level Viewport Camera Info deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Unreal Editor Subsystem
- Returns:
camera_location (Vector):
camera_rotation (Rotator):
- Return type:
tuple or None
- classmethod get_selected_level_actors() Array[Actor] ¶
Get Selected Level Actors deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Editor Actor Utilities Subsystem
- classmethod join_static_mesh_actors(actors_to_join, join_options) Actor ¶
Join Static Mesh Actors deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Static Mesh Editor Subsystem
- Parameters:
actors_to_join (Array[StaticMeshActor]) –
join_options (JoinStaticMeshActorsOptions) –
- Return type:
- classmethod load_level(asset_path) bool ¶
Load Level deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- classmethod merge_static_mesh_actors(actors_to_merge, merge_options) StaticMeshActor or None ¶
Merge Static Mesh Actors deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Static Mesh Editor Subsystem
- Parameters:
actors_to_merge (Array[StaticMeshActor]) –
merge_options (MergeStaticMeshActorsOptions) –
- Returns:
out_merged_actor (StaticMeshActor):
- Return type:
StaticMeshActor or None
- classmethod new_level(asset_path) bool ¶
New Level deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- classmethod new_level_from_template(asset_path, template_asset_path) bool ¶
New Level from Template deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- classmethod pilot_level_actor(actor_to_pilot) None ¶
Pilot Level Actor deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- Parameters:
actor_to_pilot (Actor) –
- classmethod replace_mesh_components_materials(mesh_components, material_to_be_replaced, new_material) None ¶
Replace Mesh Components Materials deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Static Mesh Editor Subsystem
- Parameters:
mesh_components (Array[MeshComponent]) –
material_to_be_replaced (MaterialInterface) –
new_material (MaterialInterface) –
- classmethod replace_mesh_components_materials_on_actors(actors, material_to_be_replaced, new_material) None ¶
Replace Mesh Components Materials on Actors deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Static Mesh Editor Subsystem
- Parameters:
material_to_be_replaced (MaterialInterface) –
new_material (MaterialInterface) –
- classmethod replace_mesh_components_meshes(mesh_components, mesh_to_be_replaced, new_mesh) None ¶
Replace Mesh Components Meshes deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Static Mesh Editor Subsystem
- Parameters:
mesh_components (Array[StaticMeshComponent]) –
mesh_to_be_replaced (StaticMesh) –
new_mesh (StaticMesh) –
- classmethod replace_mesh_components_meshes_on_actors(actors, mesh_to_be_replaced, new_mesh) None ¶
Replace Mesh Components Meshes on Actors deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Static Mesh Editor Subsystem
- Parameters:
mesh_to_be_replaced (StaticMesh) –
new_mesh (StaticMesh) –
- classmethod replace_selected_actors(asset_path) None ¶
Replaces the selected Actors with the same number of a different kind of Actor using the specified factory to spawn the new Actors note that only Location, Rotation, Drawscale, Drawscale3D, Tag, and Group are copied from the old Actors
- Parameters:
asset_path (str) –
- classmethod save_all_dirty_levels() bool ¶
Save All Dirty Levels deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- Return type:
- classmethod save_current_level() bool ¶
Save Current Level deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- Return type:
- classmethod select_nothing() None ¶
Select Nothing deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Editor Actor Utilities Subsystem
- classmethod set_actor_selection_state(actor, should_be_selected) None ¶
Set Actor Selection State deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Editor Actor Utilities Subsystem
- classmethod set_current_level_by_name(level_name) bool ¶
Set Current Level by Name deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Level Editor Subsystem
- classmethod set_level_viewport_camera_info(camera_location, camera_rotation) None ¶
Set Level Viewport Camera Info deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Unreal Editor Subsystem
- classmethod set_selected_level_actors(actors_to_select) None ¶
Set Selected Level Actors deprecated: The Editor Scripting Utilities Plugin is deprecated - Use the function in Editor Actor Utilities Subsystem