
class unreal.EditableTextBoxStyle(background_image_normal: SlateBrush = Ellipsis, background_image_hovered: SlateBrush = Ellipsis, background_image_focused: SlateBrush = Ellipsis, background_image_read_only: SlateBrush = Ellipsis, padding: Margin = Ellipsis, text_style: TextBlockStyle = Ellipsis, foreground_color: SlateColor = Ellipsis, background_color: SlateColor = Ellipsis, read_only_foreground_color: SlateColor = Ellipsis, focused_foreground_color: SlateColor = Ellipsis, h_scroll_bar_padding: Margin = Ellipsis, v_scroll_bar_padding: Margin = Ellipsis, scroll_bar_style: ScrollBarStyle = Ellipsis)

Bases: SlateWidgetStyle

Represents the appearance of an SEditableTextBox

C++ Source:

  • Module: SlateCore

  • File: SlateTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • background_color (SlateColor): [Read-Write] The background color applied to the active background image

  • background_image_focused (SlateBrush): [Read-Write] Border background image when the box is focused

  • background_image_hovered (SlateBrush): [Read-Write] Border background image when the box is hovered

  • background_image_normal (SlateBrush): [Read-Write] Border background image when the box is not hovered or focused

  • background_image_read_only (SlateBrush): [Read-Write] Border background image when the box is read-only

  • focused_foreground_color (SlateColor): [Read-Write] The foreground color of text when the edit box has keyboard focus.

  • foreground_color (SlateColor): [Read-Write] The foreground color of text.

  • h_scroll_bar_padding (Margin): [Read-Write] Padding around the horizontal scrollbar

  • padding (Margin): [Read-Write] Padding

  • read_only_foreground_color (SlateColor): [Read-Write] The read-only foreground color of text in read-only mode.

  • scroll_bar_style (ScrollBarStyle): [Read-Write] Style used for the scrollbars

  • text_style (TextBlockStyle): [Read-Write] The style of the text block, which dictates the font, color, and shadow options. Style overrides all other properties!

  • v_scroll_bar_padding (Margin): [Read-Write] Padding around the vertical scrollbar

property background_color: SlateColor

[Read-Write] The background color applied to the active background image



property background_image_focused: SlateBrush

[Read-Write] Border background image when the box is focused



property background_image_hovered: SlateBrush

[Read-Write] Border background image when the box is hovered



property background_image_normal: SlateBrush

[Read-Write] Border background image when the box is not hovered or focused



property background_image_read_only: SlateBrush

[Read-Write] Border background image when the box is read-only



property focused_foreground_color: SlateColor

[Read-Write] The foreground color of text when the edit box has keyboard focus.



property foreground_color: SlateColor

[Read-Write] The foreground color of text.



property h_scroll_bar_padding: Margin

[Read-Write] Padding around the horizontal scrollbar



property padding: Margin

[Read-Write] Padding



property read_only_foreground_color: SlateColor

[Read-Write] The read-only foreground color of text in read-only mode.



property scroll_bar_style: ScrollBarStyle

[Read-Write] Style used for the scrollbars



property text_style: TextBlockStyle

[Read-Write] The style of the text block, which dictates the font, color, and shadow options. Style overrides all other properties!



property v_scroll_bar_padding: Margin

[Read-Write] Padding around the vertical scrollbar

