- class unreal.DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_RenderSettings(enable_cross_gpu_transfer: bool = False, stereo_mode: DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_StereoMode = Ellipsis, buffer_ratio: float = 0.0, replace: DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_Override = Ellipsis, postprocess_blur: DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_BlurPostprocess = Ellipsis, generate_mips: DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_GenerateMips = Ellipsis, overscan: DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_Overscan = Ellipsis, media: DisplayClusterConfigurationMedia = Ellipsis)¶
Display Cluster Configuration Viewport Render Settings
C++ Source:
Plugin: nDisplay
Module: DisplayClusterConfiguration
File: DisplayClusterConfigurationTypes_Viewport.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(float): [Read-Write] Adjust resolution scaling for an individual viewport. Viewport Screen Percentage Multiplier is applied to this value.enable_cross_gpu_transfer
(bool): [Read-Write] Enable cross-GPU transfer for this viewport.It may be disabled in some configurations. For example, when using offscreen rendering with TextureShare,
cross-gpu transfer can be disabled for this viewport to improve performance, because when transfer is called,
it freezes the GPUs until synchronization is reached.
(TextureShare uses its own implementation of the crossGPU transfer for the shared textures.)
(DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_GenerateMips): [Read-Write] Generate Mips texture for this viewport (used, only if projection policy supports this feature)media
(DisplayClusterConfigurationMedia): [Read-Write] Media settingsoverscan
(DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_Overscan): [Read-Write] Render a larger frame than specified in the configuration to achieve continuity across displays when using post-processing effects.postprocess_blur
(DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_BlurPostprocess): [Read-Write] Add postprocess blur to viewportreplace
(DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_Override): [Read-Write] Override viewport render from source texturestereo_gpu_index
(int32): [Read-Write] Specify which GPU should render the second Stereo eyestereo_mode
(DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_StereoMode): [Read-Write] Enables and sets Stereo mode
- property buffer_ratio: float¶
[Read-Write] Adjust resolution scaling for an individual viewport. Viewport Screen Percentage Multiplier is applied to this value.
- Type:
- property enable_cross_gpu_transfer: bool¶
[Read-Write] Enable cross-GPU transfer for this viewport. * It may be disabled in some configurations. For example, when using offscreen rendering with TextureShare, * cross-gpu transfer can be disabled for this viewport to improve performance, because when transfer is called, * it freezes the GPUs until synchronization is reached. * (TextureShare uses its own implementation of the crossGPU transfer for the shared textures.)
- Type:
- property generate_mips: DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_GenerateMips¶
[Read-Write] Generate Mips texture for this viewport (used, only if projection policy supports this feature)
- property media: DisplayClusterConfigurationMedia¶
[Read-Write] Media settings
- Type:
- property overscan: DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_Overscan¶
[Read-Write] Render a larger frame than specified in the configuration to achieve continuity across displays when using post-processing effects.
- property postprocess_blur: DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_BlurPostprocess¶
[Read-Write] Add postprocess blur to viewport
- property replace: DisplayClusterConfigurationPostRender_Override¶
[Read-Write] Override viewport render from source texture
- property stereo_mode: DisplayClusterConfigurationViewport_StereoMode¶
[Read-Write] Enables and sets Stereo mode