
class unreal.DatasmithScene(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.Object

Datasmith Scene

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: DatasmithContent

  • Module: DatasmithContent

  • File: DatasmithScene.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • asset_import_data (DatasmithSceneImportData): [Read-Write] Importing data and options used for this Datasmith scene

  • level_sequences (Map(Name, LevelSequence)): [Read-Only] Map of all the level sequences related to this Datasmith Scene

  • level_variant_sets (Map(Name, LevelVariantSets)): [Read-Only] Map of all the level variant sets related to this Datasmith Scene

  • material_functions (Map(Name, MaterialFunction)): [Read-Only] Map of all the material functions related to this Datasmith Scene

  • materials (Map(Name, MaterialInterface)): [Read-Only] Map of all the materials related to this Datasmith Scene

  • static_meshes (Map(Name, StaticMesh)): [Read-Only] Map of all the static meshes related to this Datasmith Scene

  • textures (Map(Name, Texture)): [Read-Only] Map of all the textures related to this Datasmith Scene