
class unreal.DMXPixelMappingMatrixCellComponent(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.DMXPixelMappingOutputDMXComponent

Matrix pixel component

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: DMXPixelMapping

  • Module: DMXPixelMappingRuntime

  • File: DMXPixelMappingMatrixCellComponent.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • cell_blending_quality (DMXPixelBlendingQuality): [Read-Write] The quality level to use when averaging colors during downsampling.

  • cell_id (int32): [Read-Only] Cell ID

  • editor_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] The color displayed in editor

  • lock_in_designer (bool): [Read-Write] Lock in Designer

  • position_x (float): [Read-Write] Position X

  • position_y (float): [Read-Write] Position Y

  • relative_position_x (float): [Read-Write] The X position relative to the parent group

  • relative_position_y (float): [Read-Write] The Y position relative to the parent group

  • size_x (float): [Read-Write] Size X

  • size_y (float): [Read-Write] Size Y

  • visible_in_designer (bool): [Read-Write] Visible in Designer

property cell_id

[Read-Only] Cell ID



property relative_position_x

[Read-Only] The X position relative to the parent group



property relative_position_y

[Read-Only] The Y position relative to the parent group

