
class unreal.CheatManager(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

Cheat Manager is a central blueprint to implement test and debug code and actions that are not to ship with the game. As the Cheat Manager is not instanced in shipping builds, it is for debugging purposes only

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: CheatManager.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • debug_camera_controller_class (type(Class)): [Read-Write] Debug camera - used to have independent camera without stopping gameplay

change_size(f) None

Scale the player’s size to be F * default size.


f (float) –

damage_target(damage_amount) None

Damage the actor you’re looking at (sourced from the player).


damage_amount (float) –

property debug_camera_controller_class: Class

[Read-Only] Debug camera - used to have independent camera without stopping gameplay



destroy_target() None

Destroy the actor you’re looking at.

disable_debug_camera() None

Switch controller from debug camera back to normal controller

enable_debug_camera() None

Switch controller to debug camera without locking gameplay and with locking local player controller input

fly() None

Pawn can fly.

freeze_frame(delay) None

Pause the game for Delay seconds.


delay (float) –

get_player_controller() PlayerController

Get Player Controller

Return type:


ghost() None

Pawn no longer collides with the world, and can fly

god() None

Invulnerability cheat.

players_only() None

Freeze everything in the level except for players.

receive_end_play() None

This is the End Play event for the CheatManager

receive_init_cheat_manager() None

BP implementable event for when CheatManager is created to allow any needed initialization.

slomo(new_time_dilation) None

Modify time dilation to change apparent speed of passage of time. e.g. “Slomo 0.1” makes everything move very slowly, while “Slomo 10” makes everything move very fast.


new_time_dilation (float) –

teleport() None

Teleport to surface player is looking at.

walk() None

Return to walking movement mode from Fly or Ghost cheat.