
class unreal.ChaosVehicleWheel(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

Chaos Vehicle Wheel

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ChaosVehiclesPlugin

  • Module: ChaosVehicles

  • File: ChaosVehicleWheel.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • abs_enabled (bool): [Read-Write] Advanced Braking System Enabled

  • affected_by_brake (bool): [Read-Write] Whether brake should affect this wheel

  • affected_by_engine (bool): [Read-Write] Whether engine should power this wheel

  • affected_by_handbrake (bool): [Read-Write] Whether handbrake should affect this wheel

  • affected_by_steering (bool): [Read-Write] Whether steering should affect this wheel

  • axle_type (AxleType): [Read-Write] If left undefined then the bAffectedByEngine value is used, if defined then bAffectedByEngine is ignored and the differential setup on the vehicle defines which wheels get power from the engine

  • collision_mesh (StaticMesh): [Read-Write] Static mesh with collision setup for wheel, will be used to create wheel shape (if empty, sphere will be added as wheel shape, check bDontCreateShape flag)

  • cornering_stiffness (float): [Read-Write] Tyre Cornering Ability

  • external_torque_combine_method (TorqueCombineMethod): [Read-Write] Determines how the SetDriveTorque/SetBrakeTorque inputs are combined with the internal torques

  • friction_force_multiplier (float): [Read-Write] Friction Force Multiplier

  • lateral_slip_graph (RuntimeFloatCurve): [Read-Write]

  • max_brake_torque (float): [Read-Write] max brake torque for this wheel (Nm)

  • max_hand_brake_torque (float): [Read-Write] Max handbrake brake torque for this wheel (Nm). A handbrake should have a stronger brake torque than the brake. This will be ignored for wheels that are not affected by the handbrake.

  • max_steer_angle (float): [Read-Write] steer angle in degrees for this wheel

  • max_wheelspin_rotation (float): [Read-Write] Max Wheelspin rotation rad/sec

  • offset (Vector): [Read-Write] If BoneName is specified, offset the wheel from the bone’s location. Otherwise this offsets the wheel from the vehicle’s origin.

  • rollbar_scaling (float): [Read-Write] Anti-roll effect

  • side_slip_modifier (float): [Read-Write] Wheel Lateral Skid Grip Loss, lower number less grip on skid

  • skid_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Wheel Lateral Skid Threshold

  • slip_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Wheel Longitudinal Slip Threshold

  • spring_preload (float): [Read-Write] Spring Preload (N/m)

  • spring_rate (float): [Read-Write] Spring Force (N/m)

  • suspension_axis (Vector): [Read-Write] Local body direction in which where suspension forces are applied (typically along -Z-axis)

  • suspension_damping_ratio (float): [Read-Write] Suspension damping, larger value causes the suspension to come to rest faster [range 0 to 1]

  • suspension_force_offset (Vector): [Read-Write] Vertical offset from where suspension forces are applied (along Z-axis)

  • suspension_max_drop (float): [Read-Write] How far the wheel can drop below the resting position

  • suspension_max_raise (float): [Read-Write] How far the wheel can go above the resting position

  • suspension_smoothing (int32): [Read-Write] Smooth suspension [0-off, 10-max] - Warning might cause momentary visual inter-penetration of the wheel against objects/terrain

  • sweep_shape (SweepShape): [Read-Write] Wheel suspension trace type, defaults to ray trace

  • sweep_type (SweepType): [Read-Write] Whether wheel suspension considers simple, complex

  • traction_control_enabled (bool): [Read-Write] Straight Line Traction Control Enabled

  • wheel_load_ratio (float): [Read-Write] Amount wheel load effects wheel friction.

    At 0 wheel friction is completely independent of the loading on the wheel (This is artificial as it always assumes even balance between all wheels) At 1 wheel friction is based on the force pressing wheel into the ground. This is more realistic. Lower value cures lift off over-steer, generally makes vehicle easier to handle under extreme motions.

  • wheel_mass (float): [Read-Write] Mass of the wheel Kg

  • wheel_radius (float): [Read-Write] Radius of the wheel

  • wheel_width (float): [Read-Write] Width of the wheel

get_axle_type() AxleType

Get Axle Type

Return type:


get_rotation_angle() float

Get Rotation Angle

Return type:


get_rotation_angular_velocity() float

Get Rotation Angular Velocity

Return type:


get_steer_angle() float

Get Steer Angle

Return type:


get_suspension_axis() Vector

Get Suspension Axis

Return type:


get_suspension_offset() float

Get Suspension Offset

Return type:


get_wheel_angular_velocity() float

Get Wheel Angular Velocity

Return type:


get_wheel_radius() float

Get Wheel Radius

Return type:


is_in_air() bool

Is in Air

Return type:
