
class unreal.ChaosCrumblingEvent(component: PrimitiveComponent = Ellipsis, location: Vector = Ellipsis, orientation: Quat = Ellipsis, linear_velocity: Vector = Ellipsis, angular_velocity: Vector = Ellipsis, mass: float = 0.0, local_bounds: Box = Ellipsis, children: Array[int] = [])

Bases: StructBase

Chaos Crumbling Event

C++ Source:

  • Module: ChaosSolverEngine

  • File: ChaosGameplayEventDispatcher.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • angular_velocity (Vector): [Read-Write] Angular Velocity: Angular Velocity of the crumbling cluster

  • children (Array[int32]): [Read-Write] Children: List of children indices released (optional : see geometry collection component bCrumblingEventIncludesChildren)

  • component (PrimitiveComponent): [Read-Write] Component: primitive component involved in the crumble event

  • linear_velocity (Vector): [Read-Write] Linear Velocity: Linear Velocity of the crumbling cluster

  • local_bounds (Box): [Read-Write] Local Bounds: Local bounding box of the crumbling cluster

  • location (Vector): [Read-Write] Location: World location of the crumbling cluster

  • mass (float): [Read-Write] Mass: Mass of the crumbling cluster

  • orientation (Quat): [Read-Write] Orientation: World orientation of the crumbling cluster

property angular_velocity: Vector

[Read-Only] Angular Velocity: Angular Velocity of the crumbling cluster



property children: Array[int]

[Read-Only] Children: List of children indices released (optional : see geometry collection component bCrumblingEventIncludesChildren)



property component: PrimitiveComponent

[Read-Only] Component: primitive component involved in the crumble event



property linear_velocity: Vector

[Read-Only] Linear Velocity: Linear Velocity of the crumbling cluster



property local_bounds: Box

[Read-Only] Local Bounds: Local bounding box of the crumbling cluster



property location: Vector

[Read-Only] Location: World location of the crumbling cluster



property mass: float

[Read-Only] Mass: Mass of the crumbling cluster



property orientation: Quat

[Read-Only] Orientation: World orientation of the crumbling cluster

