
class unreal.CameraShakeSourceComponent(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')

Bases: SceneComponent

Camera Shake Source Component

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: CameraShakeSourceComponent.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • absolute_location (bool): [Read-Write] Absolute Location: If RelativeLocation should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • absolute_rotation (bool): [Read-Write] Absolute Rotation: If RelativeRotation should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • absolute_scale (bool): [Read-Write] Absolute Scale: If RelativeScale3D should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • asset_user_data (Array[AssetUserData]): [Read-Write] Asset User Data: Array of user data stored with the component

  • attenuation (CameraShakeAttenuation): [Read-Write] Attenuation: The attenuation profile for how camera shakes’ intensity falls off with distance

  • auto_activate (bool): [Read-Write] Auto Activate: Whether the component is activated at creation or must be explicitly activated.

  • auto_start (bool): [Read-Write] Auto Start

  • camera_shake (type(Class)): [Read-Write] Camera Shake

  • can_ever_affect_navigation (bool): [Read-Write] Can Ever Affect Navigation: Whether this component can potentially influence navigation

  • component_tags (Array[Name]): [Read-Write] Component Tags: Array of tags that can be used for grouping and categorizing. Can also be accessed from scripting.

  • detail_mode (DetailMode): [Read-Write] Detail Mode: If detail mode is >= system detail mode, primitive won’t be rendered.

  • editable_when_inherited (bool): [Read-Write] Editable when Inherited: True if this component can be modified when it was inherited from a parent actor class

  • hidden_in_game (bool): [Read-Write] Hidden in Game: Whether to hide the primitive in game, if the primitive is Visible.

  • inner_attenuation_radius (float): [Read-Write] Inner Attenuation Radius: Under this distance from the source, the camera shakes are at full intensity

  • is_editor_only (bool): [Read-Write] Is Editor Only: If true, the component will be excluded from non-editor builds

  • mobility (ComponentMobility): [Read-Write] Mobility: How often this component is allowed to move, used to make various optimizations. Only safe to set in constructor.

  • on_component_activated (ActorComponentActivatedSignature): [Read-Write] On Component Activated: Called when the component has been activated, with parameter indicating if it was from a reset

  • on_component_deactivated (ActorComponentDeactivateSignature): [Read-Write] On Component Deactivated: Called when the component has been deactivated

  • outer_attenuation_radius (float): [Read-Write] Outer Attenuation Radius: Outside of this distance from the source, the camera shakes don’t apply at all

  • physics_volume_changed_delegate (PhysicsVolumeChanged): [Read-Write] Physics Volume Changed Delegate: Delegate that will be called when PhysicsVolume has been changed *

  • primary_component_tick (ActorComponentTickFunction): [Read-Write] Primary Component Tick: Main tick function for the Component

  • relative_location (Vector): [Read-Write] Relative Location: Location of the component relative to its parent

  • relative_rotation (Rotator): [Read-Write] Relative Rotation: Rotation of the component relative to its parent

  • relative_scale3d (Vector): [Read-Write] Relative Scale 3D: Non-uniform scaling of the component relative to its parent. Note that scaling is always applied in local space (no shearing etc)

  • replicate_using_registered_sub_object_list (bool): [Read-Write] Replicate Using Registered Sub Object List: When true the replication system will only replicate the registered subobjects list When false the replication system will instead call the virtual ReplicateSubObjects() function where the subobjects need to be manually replicated.

  • replicates (bool): [Read-Write] Replicates: Is this component currently replicating? Should the network code consider it for replication? Owning Actor must be replicating first!

  • should_update_physics_volume (bool): [Read-Write] Should Update Physics Volume: Whether or not the cached PhysicsVolume this component overlaps should be updated when the component is moved. see: GetPhysicsVolume()

  • use_attach_parent_bound (bool): [Read-Write] Use Attach Parent Bound: If true, this component uses its parents bounds when attached. This can be a significant optimization with many components attached together.

  • visible (bool): [Read-Write] Visible: Whether to completely draw the primitive; if false, the primitive is not drawn, does not cast a shadow.

property attenuation: CameraShakeAttenuation

[Read-Write] Attenuation: The attenuation profile for how camera shakes’ intensity falls off with distance



property auto_start: bool

[Read-Write] Auto Start



property b_auto_play: bool

‘b_auto_play’ was renamed to ‘auto_start’.



property camera_shake: Class

[Read-Write] Camera Shake



get_attenuation_factor(location) float

Computes an attenuation factor from this source


location (Vector) –

Return type:


property inner_attenuation_radius: float

[Read-Write] Inner Attenuation Radius: Under this distance from the source, the camera shakes are at full intensity



property outer_attenuation_radius: float

[Read-Write] Outer Attenuation Radius: Outside of this distance from the source, the camera shakes don’t apply at all



play() None

deprecated: ‘play’ was renamed to ‘start’.

play_camera_shake(camera_shake: Class, scale: float = 1.0, play_space: CameraShakePlaySpace = Ellipsis, user_play_space_rot: Rotator = Ellipsis) None

deprecated: ‘play_camera_shake’ was renamed to ‘start_camera_shake’.

start() None


start_camera_shake(camera_shake, scale=1.000000, play_space=CameraShakePlaySpace.CAMERA_LOCAL, user_play_space_rot=[0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]) None

Starts a new camera shake originating from this source, and apply it on all player controllers

stop_all_camera_shakes(immediately=True) None

Stops all currently active camera shakes that are originating from this source from all player controllers


immediately (bool) –

stop_all_camera_shakes_of_type(camera_shake, immediately=True) None

Stops a camera shake originating from this source
