
class unreal.BTDecorator_BlueprintBase(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.BTDecorator

Base class for blueprint based decorator nodes. Do NOT use it for creating native c++ classes!

Unlike task and services, decorator have two execution chains:

ExecutionStart-ExecutionFinish and ObserverActivated-ObserverDeactivated

which makes automatic latent action cleanup impossible. Keep in mind, that you HAVE TO verify is given chain is still active after resuming from any latent action (like Delay, Timelines, etc).

Helper functions: - IsDecoratorExecutionActive (true after ExecutionStart, until ExecutionFinish) - IsDecoratorObserverActive (true after ObserverActivated, until ObserverDeactivated)

C++ Source:

  • Module: AIModule

  • File: BTDecorator_BlueprintBase.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • check_condition_only_black_board_changes (bool): [Read-Write] Applies only if Decorator has any FBlackboardKeySelector property and if decorator is

    set to abort BT flow. Is set to true ReceiveConditionCheck will be called only on changes

    to observed BB keys. If false or no BB keys observed ReceiveConditionCheck will be called every tick

  • custom_description (str): [Read-Write] Custom Description

  • flow_abort_mode (BTFlowAbortMode): [Read-Write] flow controller settings

  • inverse_condition (bool): [Read-Write] if set, condition check result will be inversed

  • node_name (str): [Read-Write] node name

  • show_property_details (bool): [Read-Write] show detailed information about properties

property custom_description

[Read-Write] Custom Description




check if decorator is part of currently active branch


Return type



check if decorator’s observer is currently active


Return type



called when testing if underlying node can be executed, must call FinishConditionCheck Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise


owner_actor (Actor) –


Return type


perform_condition_check_ai(owner_controller, controlled_pawn)bool

Alternative AI version of ReceiveConditionCheck see: ReceiveConditionCheck for more details Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise


Return type


receive_execution_finish(owner_actor, node_result)None

called when execution of underlying node is finished Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise

receive_execution_finish_ai(owner_controller, controlled_pawn, node_result)None

Alternative AI version of ReceiveExecutionFinish see: ReceiveExecutionFinish for more details Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise


called on execution of underlying node Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise


owner_actor (Actor) –

receive_execution_start_ai(owner_controller, controlled_pawn)None

Alternative AI version of ReceiveExecutionStart see: ReceiveExecutionStart for more details Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise


called when observer is activated (flow controller) Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise


owner_actor (Actor) –

receive_observer_activated_ai(owner_controller, controlled_pawn)None

Alternative AI version of ReceiveObserverActivated see: ReceiveObserverActivated for more details Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise


called when observer is deactivated (flow controller) Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise


owner_actor (Actor) –

receive_observer_deactivated_ai(owner_controller, controlled_pawn)None

Alternative AI version of ReceiveObserverDeactivated see: ReceiveObserverDeactivated for more details Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise

receive_tick(owner_actor, delta_seconds)None

tick function Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise

  • owner_actor (Actor) –

  • delta_seconds (float) –

receive_tick_ai(owner_controller, controlled_pawn, delta_seconds)None

Alternative AI version of ReceiveTick see: ReceiveTick for more details Note: that if both generic and AI event versions are implemented only the more suitable one will be called, meaning the AI version if called for AI, generic one otherwise
