
class unreal.AutomationScreenshotOptions(resolution=[0.0, 0.0], delay=0.2, override_override_time_to=False, override_time_to=0.0, disable_noisy_rendering_features=True, disable_tonemapping=True, view_settings=None, visualize_buffer='None', tolerance=ComparisonTolerance.ZERO, tolerance_amount=[], maximum_local_error=0.1, maximum_global_error=0.02, ignore_anti_aliasing=True, ignore_colors=False)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Automation Screenshot Options

C++ Source:

  • Module: FunctionalTesting

  • File: AutomationScreenshotOptions.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • delay (float): [Read-Write] The delay before we take the screenshot.

  • disable_noisy_rendering_features (bool): [Read-Write] Disables Anti-Aliasing, Motion Blur, Screen Space Reflections, Eye Adaptation, Tonemapper and Contact Shadows, because those features contribute a lot to the noise in the final rendered image. If you’re explicitly looking for changes

  • disable_tonemapping (bool): [Read-Write] Disables Eye Adaptation and sets Tonemapper to fixed gamma curve. Should generally be on unless testing tone mapping or other post-processing results

  • ignore_anti_aliasing (bool): [Read-Write] If this is true, we search neighboring pixels looking for the expected pixel as what may have happened, is that the pixel shifted a little.

  • ignore_colors (bool): [Read-Write] If this is true, all we compare is luminance of the scene.

  • maximum_global_error (float): [Read-Write] After you’ve accounted for color tolerance changes, you now need to control for total acceptable error. Which depending on how pixels were colored on triangle edges may be a few percent of the image being outside the tolerance levels.

  • maximum_local_error (float): [Read-Write] After you’ve accounted for color tolerance changes, you now need to control for local acceptable error. Which depending on how pixels were colored on triangle edges may be a few percent of the image being outside the tolerance levels. Unlike the MaximumGlobalError, the MaximumLocalError works by focusing on a smaller subset of the image. These chunks will have be compared to the local error, in an attempt to locate hot spots of change that are important, that would be ignored by the global error.

  • override_override_time_to (bool): [Read-Write] Override Override Time To

  • override_time_to (float): [Read-Write] Overrides World Time, Real Time to the value provided. Sets Delta Time to 0. Only affects the time being sent to the render thread and materials. The time accumulating on the game thread is unaffected.

  • resolution (Vector2D): [Read-Write] The desired resolution of the screenshot, if none is provided, it will use the default for the platform setup in the automation settings.

  • tolerance (ComparisonTolerance): [Read-Write] These are quick defaults for tolerance levels, we default to low, because generally there’s some constant variability in every pixel’s color introduced by TxAA.

  • tolerance_amount (ComparisonToleranceAmount): [Read-Write] For each channel and brightness levels you can control a region where the colors are found to be essentially the same. Generally this is necessary as modern rendering techniques tend to introduce noise constantly to hide aliasing.

  • view_settings (AutomationViewSettings): [Read-Write] Assign custom view settings to control which rendering options we allow on while taking the screenshot.

  • visualize_buffer (Name): [Read-Write] Allows you to screenshot a buffer other than the default final lit scene image. Useful if you’re trying to build a test for a specific GBuffer, that may be harder to tell if errors are introduced in it.

property delay

[Read-Write] The delay before we take the screenshot.



property disable_noisy_rendering_features

[Read-Write] Disables Anti-Aliasing, Motion Blur, Screen Space Reflections, Eye Adaptation, Tonemapper and Contact Shadows, because those features contribute a lot to the noise in the final rendered image. If you’re explicitly looking for changes



property disable_tonemapping

[Read-Write] Disables Eye Adaptation and sets Tonemapper to fixed gamma curve. Should generally be on unless testing tone mapping or other post-processing results



property ignore_anti_aliasing

[Read-Write] If this is true, we search neighboring pixels looking for the expected pixel as what may have happened, is that the pixel shifted a little.



property ignore_colors

[Read-Write] If this is true, all we compare is luminance of the scene.



property maximum_global_error

[Read-Write] After you’ve accounted for color tolerance changes, you now need to control for total acceptable error. Which depending on how pixels were colored on triangle edges may be a few percent of the image being outside the tolerance levels.



property maximum_local_error

[Read-Write] After you’ve accounted for color tolerance changes, you now need to control for local acceptable error. Which depending on how pixels were colored on triangle edges may be a few percent of the image being outside the tolerance levels. Unlike the MaximumGlobalError, the MaximumLocalError works by focusing on a smaller subset of the image. These chunks will have be compared to the local error, in an attempt to locate hot spots of change that are important, that would be ignored by the global error.



property override_override_time_to

[Read-Write] Override Override Time To



property override_time_to

[Read-Write] Overrides World Time, Real Time to the value provided. Sets Delta Time to 0. Only affects the time being sent to the render thread and materials. The time accumulating on the game thread is unaffected.



property resolution

[Read-Write] The desired resolution of the screenshot, if none is provided, it will use the default for the platform setup in the automation settings.



property tolerance

[Read-Write] These are quick defaults for tolerance levels, we default to low, because generally there’s some constant variability in every pixel’s color introduced by TxAA.



property tolerance_amount

[Read-Write] For each channel and brightness levels you can control a region where the colors are found to be essentially the same. Generally this is necessary as modern rendering techniques tend to introduce noise constantly to hide aliasing.



property view_settings

[Read-Write] Assign custom view settings to control which rendering options we allow on while taking the screenshot.



property visualize_buffer

[Read-Write] Allows you to screenshot a buffer other than the default final lit scene image. Useful if you’re trying to build a test for a specific GBuffer, that may be harder to tell if errors are introduced in it.

