
class unreal.AudioComponent(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')

Bases: SceneComponent

AudioComponent is used to play a Sound see: https://docs.unrealengine.com/WorkingWithAudio/Overview see: USoundBase

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: AudioComponent.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • absolute_location (bool): [Read-Write] Absolute Location: If RelativeLocation should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • absolute_rotation (bool): [Read-Write] Absolute Rotation: If RelativeRotation should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • absolute_scale (bool): [Read-Write] Absolute Scale: If RelativeScale3D should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • allow_spatialization (bool): [Read-Write] Allow Spatialization: Overrides spatialization enablement in either the attenuation asset or on this audio component’s attenuation settings override.

  • asset_user_data (Array[AssetUserData]): [Read-Write] Asset User Data: Array of user data stored with the component

  • attenuation_overrides (SoundAttenuationSettings): [Read-Write] Attenuation Overrides: If bOverrideSettings is true, the attenuation properties to use for sounds generated by this component

  • attenuation_settings (SoundAttenuation): [Read-Write] Attenuation Settings: If bOverrideSettings is false, the asset to use to determine attenuation properties for sounds generated by this component

  • auto_activate (bool): [Read-Write] Auto Activate: Whether the component is activated at creation or must be explicitly activated.

  • auto_attach_location_rule (AttachmentRule): [Read-Write] Auto Attach Location Rule: Options for how we handle our location when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule

  • auto_attach_parent (SceneComponent): [Read-Only] Auto Attach Parent: Component we automatically attach to when activated, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. If null during registration, we assign the existing AttachParent and defer attachment until we activate. see: bAutoManageAttachment

  • auto_attach_rotation_rule (AttachmentRule): [Read-Write] Auto Attach Rotation Rule: Options for how we handle our rotation when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule

  • auto_attach_scale_rule (AttachmentRule): [Read-Write] Auto Attach Scale Rule: Options for how we handle our scale when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule

  • auto_attach_socket_name (Name): [Read-Write] Auto Attach Socket Name: Socket we automatically attach to on the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment

  • auto_manage_attachment (bool): [Read-Write] Auto Manage Attachment: True if we should automatically attach to AutoAttachParent when Played, and detach from our parent when playback is completed. This overrides any current attachment that may be present at the time of activation (deferring initial attachment until activation, if AutoAttachParent is null). If enabled, this AudioComponent’s WorldLocation will no longer be reliable when not currently playing audio, and any attach children will also be detached/attached along with it. When enabled, detachment occurs regardless of whether AutoAttachParent is assigned, and the relative transform from the time of activation is restored. This also disables attachment on dedicated servers, where we don’t actually activate even if bAutoActivate is true. see: AutoAttachParent, AutoAttachSocketName, AutoAttachLocationType

  • can_ever_affect_navigation (bool): [Read-Write] Can Ever Affect Navigation: Whether this component can potentially influence navigation

  • can_play_multiple_instances (bool): [Read-Write] Can Play Multiple Instances: If true, the Audio Component will play multiple sound instances at once. Switching sounds or calling play while already playing will not stop already active instances. Virtualization for all played sounds will be disabled. Disabling while sound(s) are playing will not take effect until the AudioComponent is stopped and restarted.

  • component_tags (Array[Name]): [Read-Write] Component Tags: Array of tags that can be used for grouping and categorizing. Can also be accessed from scripting.

  • concurrency_set (Set[SoundConcurrency]): [Read-Write] Concurrency Set: What sound concurrency rules to use for sounds generated by this audio component

  • default_parameters (Array[AudioParameter]): [Read-Write] Default Parameters: Array of parameters for this AudioComponent. Changes to this array directly will not be forwarded to the sound if the component is actively playing, and will be superseded by parameters set via the actor interface if set, or the instance parameters.

  • detail_mode (DetailMode): [Read-Write] Detail Mode: If detail mode is >= system detail mode, primitive won’t be rendered.

  • disable_parameter_updates_while_playing (bool): [Read-Write] Disable Parameter Updates While Playing: If true, the Audio Component will ignore parameter updates for already-playing sound(s).

  • editable_when_inherited (bool): [Read-Write] Editable when Inherited: True if this component can be modified when it was inherited from a parent actor class

  • enable_low_pass_filter (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Low Pass Filter: Whether or not to apply a low-pass filter to the sound that plays in this audio component.

  • envelope_follower_attack_time (int32): [Read-Write] Envelope Follower Attack Time: The attack time in milliseconds for the envelope follower. Delegate callbacks can be registered to get the envelope value of sounds played with this audio component.

  • envelope_follower_release_time (int32): [Read-Write] Envelope Follower Release Time: The release time in milliseconds for the envelope follower. Delegate callbacks can be registered to get the envelope value of sounds played with this audio component.

  • hidden_in_game (bool): [Read-Write] Hidden in Game: Whether to hide the primitive in game, if the primitive is Visible.

  • is_editor_only (bool): [Read-Write] Is Editor Only: If true, the component will be excluded from non-editor builds

  • is_ui_sound (bool): [Read-Write] Is UISound: Whether or not this sound plays when the game is paused in the UI

  • low_pass_filter_frequency (float): [Read-Write] Low Pass Filter Frequency: If enabled, the frequency of the Lowpass Filter (in Hz) to apply to this voice. A frequency of 0.0 is the device sample rate and will bypass the filter.

  • mobility (ComponentMobility): [Read-Write] Mobility: How often this component is allowed to move, used to make various optimizations. Only safe to set in constructor.

  • modulation_routing (SoundModulationDefaultRoutingSettings): [Read-Write] Modulation Routing

  • on_audio_finished (OnAudioFinished): [Read-Write] On Audio Finished: Called when we finish playing audio, either because it played to completion or because a Stop() call turned it off early

  • on_audio_multi_envelope_value (OnAudioMultiEnvelopeValue): [Read-Write] On Audio Multi Envelope Value

  • on_audio_play_state_changed (OnAudioPlayStateChanged): [Read-Write] On Audio Play State Changed: This function returns the Targeted Audio Component’s current Play State. Playing, if the sound is currently playing. Stopped, if the sound is stopped. Paused, if the sound is currently playing, but paused. Fading In, if the sound is in the process of Fading In. Fading Out, if the sound is in the process of Fading Out.

  • on_audio_playback_percent (OnAudioPlaybackPercent): [Read-Write] On Audio Playback Percent: Called as a sound plays on the audio component to allow BP to perform actions based on playback percentage. Computed as samples played divided by total samples, taking into account pitch. Not currently implemented on all platforms.

  • on_audio_single_envelope_value (OnAudioSingleEnvelopeValue): [Read-Write] On Audio Single Envelope Value

  • on_audio_virtualization_changed (OnAudioVirtualizationChanged): [Read-Write] On Audio Virtualization Changed: Called when virtualization state changes

  • on_component_activated (ActorComponentActivatedSignature): [Read-Write] On Component Activated: Called when the component has been activated, with parameter indicating if it was from a reset

  • on_component_deactivated (ActorComponentDeactivateSignature): [Read-Write] On Component Deactivated: Called when the component has been deactivated

  • override_attenuation (bool): [Read-Write] Override Attenuation: Allows defining attenuation settings directly on this audio component without using an attenuation settings asset.

  • override_priority (bool): [Read-Write] Override Priority: Whether or not to override the priority of the given sound with the value provided.

  • override_subtitle_priority (bool): [Read-Write] Override Subtitle Priority: Whether or not to override the sound’s subtitle priority.

  • physics_volume_changed_delegate (PhysicsVolumeChanged): [Read-Write] Physics Volume Changed Delegate: Delegate that will be called when PhysicsVolume has been changed *

  • pitch_modulation_max (float): [Read-Write] Pitch Modulation Max: The upper bound to use when randomly determining a pitch multiplier

  • pitch_modulation_min (float): [Read-Write] Pitch Modulation Min: The lower bound to use when randomly determining a pitch multiplier

  • pitch_multiplier (float): [Read-Write] Pitch Multiplier: A pitch multiplier to apply to sounds generated by this component

  • primary_component_tick (ActorComponentTickFunction): [Read-Write] Primary Component Tick: Main tick function for the Component

  • priority (float): [Read-Write] Priority: If enabled, overrides the priority of the selected sound with the value provided.

  • relative_location (Vector): [Read-Write] Relative Location: Location of the component relative to its parent

  • relative_rotation (Rotator): [Read-Write] Relative Rotation: Rotation of the component relative to its parent

  • relative_scale3d (Vector): [Read-Write] Relative Scale 3D: Non-uniform scaling of the component relative to its parent. Note that scaling is always applied in local space (no shearing etc)

  • replicate_using_registered_sub_object_list (bool): [Read-Write] Replicate Using Registered Sub Object List: When true the replication system will only replicate the registered subobjects list When false the replication system will instead call the virtual ReplicateSubObjects() function where the subobjects need to be manually replicated.

  • replicates (bool): [Read-Write] Replicates: Is this component currently replicating? Should the network code consider it for replication? Owning Actor must be replicating first!

  • should_update_physics_volume (bool): [Read-Write] Should Update Physics Volume: Whether or not the cached PhysicsVolume this component overlaps should be updated when the component is moved. see: GetPhysicsVolume()

  • sound (SoundBase): [Read-Write] Sound: The sound to be played

  • sound_class_override (SoundClass): [Read-Write] Sound Class Override: SoundClass that overrides that set on the referenced SoundBase when component is played.

  • source_effect_chain (SoundEffectSourcePresetChain): [Read-Write] Source Effect Chain: The chain of Source Effects to apply to the sounds playing on the Audio Component

  • subtitle_priority (float): [Read-Write] Subtitle Priority: Used by the subtitle manager to prioritize subtitles wave instances spawned by this component.

  • suppress_subtitles (bool): [Read-Write] Suppress Subtitles: If true, subtitles in the sound data will be ignored.

  • use_attach_parent_bound (bool): [Read-Write] Use Attach Parent Bound: If true, this component uses its parents bounds when attached. This can be a significant optimization with many components attached together.

  • visible (bool): [Read-Write] Visible: Whether to completely draw the primitive; if false, the primitive is not drawn, does not cast a shadow.

  • volume_modulation_max (float): [Read-Write] Volume Modulation Max: The upper bound to use when randomly determining a volume multiplier

  • volume_modulation_min (float): [Read-Write] Volume Modulation Min: The lower bound to use when randomly determining a volume multiplier

  • volume_multiplier (float): [Read-Write] Volume Multiplier: A volume multiplier to apply to sounds generated by this component

adjust_attenuation(attenuation_settings) None

This function is used to modify the Attenuation Settings on the targeted Audio Component instance. It is worth noting that Attenuation Settings are only passed to new Active Sounds on start, so modified Attenuation data should be set before sound playback.


attenuation_settings (SoundAttenuationSettings) –

adjust_volume(adjust_volume_duration, adjust_volume_level, fade_curve=AudioFaderCurve.LINEAR) None

This function allows designers to trigger an adjustment to the sound instance’s playback Volume with options for smoothly applying a curve over time.

  • adjust_volume_duration (float) – The length of time in which to interpolate between the initial volume and the new volume.

  • adjust_volume_level (float) – The new volume to set the Audio Component to.

  • fade_curve (AudioFaderCurve) – The curve used when interpolating between the old and new volume.

property allow_spatialization: bool

[Read-Write] Allow Spatialization: Overrides spatialization enablement in either the attenuation asset or on this audio component’s attenuation settings override.



property attenuation_overrides: SoundAttenuationSettings

[Read-Write] Attenuation Overrides: If bOverrideSettings is true, the attenuation properties to use for sounds generated by this component



property attenuation_settings: SoundAttenuation

[Read-Write] Attenuation Settings: If bOverrideSettings is false, the asset to use to determine attenuation properties for sounds generated by this component



property auto_attach_location_rule: AttachmentRule

[Read-Write] Auto Attach Location Rule: Options for how we handle our location when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule



property auto_attach_parent: SceneComponent

[Read-Only] Auto Attach Parent: Component we automatically attach to when activated, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. If null during registration, we assign the existing AttachParent and defer attachment until we activate. see: bAutoManageAttachment



property auto_attach_rotation_rule: AttachmentRule

[Read-Write] Auto Attach Rotation Rule: Options for how we handle our rotation when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule



property auto_attach_scale_rule: AttachmentRule

[Read-Write] Auto Attach Scale Rule: Options for how we handle our scale when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule



property auto_attach_socket_name: Name

[Read-Write] Auto Attach Socket Name: Socket we automatically attach to on the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment



property auto_manage_attachment: bool

[Read-Only] Auto Manage Attachment: True if we should automatically attach to AutoAttachParent when Played, and detach from our parent when playback is completed. This overrides any current attachment that may be present at the time of activation (deferring initial attachment until activation, if AutoAttachParent is null). If enabled, this AudioComponent’s WorldLocation will no longer be reliable when not currently playing audio, and any attach children will also be detached/attached along with it. When enabled, detachment occurs regardless of whether AutoAttachParent is assigned, and the relative transform from the time of activation is restored. This also disables attachment on dedicated servers, where we don’t actually activate even if bAutoActivate is true. see: AutoAttachParent, AutoAttachSocketName, AutoAttachLocationType



property can_play_multiple_instances: bool

[Read-Write] Can Play Multiple Instances: If true, the Audio Component will play multiple sound instances at once. Switching sounds or calling play while already playing will not stop already active instances. Virtualization for all played sounds will be disabled. Disabling while sound(s) are playing will not take effect until the AudioComponent is stopped and restarted.



property concurrency_set: Set[SoundConcurrency]

[Read-Write] Concurrency Set: What sound concurrency rules to use for sounds generated by this audio component



property default_parameters: Array[AudioParameter]

[Read-Write] Default Parameters: Array of parameters for this AudioComponent. Changes to this array directly will not be forwarded to the sound if the component is actively playing, and will be superseded by parameters set via the actor interface if set, or the instance parameters.



property disable_parameter_updates_while_playing: bool

[Read-Write] Disable Parameter Updates While Playing: If true, the Audio Component will ignore parameter updates for already-playing sound(s).



property enable_low_pass_filter: bool

[Read-Write] Enable Low Pass Filter: Whether or not to apply a low-pass filter to the sound that plays in this audio component.



property envelope_follower_attack_time: int

[Read-Write] Envelope Follower Attack Time: The attack time in milliseconds for the envelope follower. Delegate callbacks can be registered to get the envelope value of sounds played with this audio component.



property envelope_follower_release_time: int

[Read-Write] Envelope Follower Release Time: The release time in milliseconds for the envelope follower. Delegate callbacks can be registered to get the envelope value of sounds played with this audio component.



fade_in(fade_in_duration, fade_volume_level=1.000000, start_time=0.000000, fade_curve=AudioFaderCurve.LINEAR) None

This function allows designers to call Play on an Audio Component instance while applying a volume curve over time. Parameters allow designers to indicate the duration of the fade, the curve shape, and the start time if seeking into the sound.

  • fade_in_duration (float) – How long it should take to reach the FadeVolumeLevel

  • fade_volume_level (float) – The percentage of the AudioComponents’s calculated volume to fade to

  • start_time (float) –

  • fade_curve (AudioFaderCurve) – The curve to use when interpolating between the old and new volume

fade_out(fade_out_duration, fade_volume_level, fade_curve=AudioFaderCurve.LINEAR) None

This function allows designers to call a delayed Stop on an Audio Component instance while applying a volume curve over time. Parameters allow designers to indicate the duration of the fade and the curve shape.

  • fade_out_duration (float) – how long it should take to reach the FadeVolumeLevel

  • fade_volume_level (float) – the percentage of the AudioComponents’s calculated volume in which to fade to

  • fade_curve (AudioFaderCurve) – The curve to use when interpolating between the old and new volume

get_attenuation_settings_to_apply() SoundAttenuationSettings or None

Retrieves Attenuation Settings data on the targeted Audio Component. Returns FALSE if no settings were found. Because the Attenuation Settings data structure is copied, FALSE returns will return default values.


out_attenuation_settings (SoundAttenuationSettings):

Return type:

SoundAttenuationSettings or None

get_cooked_envelope_data() float or None

Retrieves Cooked Amplitude Envelope Data at the current playback time. If there are multiple SoundWaves playing, data is interpolated and averaged across all playing sound waves. Returns FALSE if no data was found.


out_envelope_data (float):

Return type:

float or None

get_cooked_envelope_data_for_all_playing_sounds() Array[SoundWaveEnvelopeDataPerSound] or None

Retrieves the current-time amplitude envelope data of the sounds playing on the audio component. Envelope data is not averaged or interpolated. Instead an array of data with all playing sound waves with cooked data is returned. Returns true if there is data and the audio component is playing.


out_envelope_data (Array[SoundWaveEnvelopeDataPerSound]):

Return type:

Array[SoundWaveEnvelopeDataPerSound] or None

get_cooked_fft_data(frequencies_to_get) Array[SoundWaveSpectralData] or None

Retrieves the current-time cooked spectral data of the sounds playing on the audio component. Spectral data is averaged and interpolated for all playing sounds on this audio component. Returns true if there is data and the audio component is playing.


frequencies_to_get (Array[float]) –


out_sound_wave_spectral_data (Array[SoundWaveSpectralData]):

Return type:

Array[SoundWaveSpectralData] or None

get_cooked_fft_data_for_all_playing_sounds() Array[SoundWaveSpectralDataPerSound] or None

Retrieves the current-time cooked spectral data of the sounds playing on the audio component. Spectral data is not averaged or interpolated. Instead an array of data with all playing sound waves with cooked data is returned. Returns true if there is data and the audio component is playing.


out_sound_wave_spectral_data (Array[SoundWaveSpectralDataPerSound]):

Return type:

Array[SoundWaveSpectralDataPerSound] or None

get_play_state() AudioComponentPlayState

Returns the enumerated play states of the audio component.

Return type:


has_cooked_amplitude_envelope_data() bool

Queries whether or not the targeted Audio Component instance’s sound has Amplitude Envelope Data, returns FALSE if none found.

Return type:


has_cooked_fft_data() bool

Queries if the sound wave playing in this audio component has cooked FFT data, returns FALSE if none found.

Return type:


property instance_parameters: Array[AudioParameter]

‘instance_parameters’ was renamed to ‘default_parameters’.



is_playing() bool

Returns TRUE if the targeted Audio Component’s sound is playing. Doesn’t indicate if the sound is paused or fading in/out. Use GetPlayState() to get the full play state.

Return type:


property is_ui_sound: bool

[Read-Write] Is UISound: Whether or not this sound plays when the game is paused in the UI



is_virtualized() bool

Returns if the sound is virtualized.

Return type:


property low_pass_filter_frequency: float

[Read-Write] Low Pass Filter Frequency: If enabled, the frequency of the Lowpass Filter (in Hz) to apply to this voice. A frequency of 0.0 is the device sample rate and will bypass the filter.



property modulation_routing: SoundModulationDefaultRoutingSettings

[Read-Write] Modulation Routing



property on_audio_finished: OnAudioFinished

[Read-Write] On Audio Finished: Called when we finish playing audio, either because it played to completion or because a Stop() call turned it off early



property on_audio_multi_envelope_value: OnAudioMultiEnvelopeValue

[Read-Write] On Audio Multi Envelope Value



property on_audio_play_state_changed: OnAudioPlayStateChanged

[Read-Write] On Audio Play State Changed: This function returns the Targeted Audio Component’s current Play State. Playing, if the sound is currently playing. Stopped, if the sound is stopped. Paused, if the sound is currently playing, but paused. Fading In, if the sound is in the process of Fading In. Fading Out, if the sound is in the process of Fading Out.



property on_audio_playback_percent: OnAudioPlaybackPercent

[Read-Write] On Audio Playback Percent: Called as a sound plays on the audio component to allow BP to perform actions based on playback percentage. Computed as samples played divided by total samples, taking into account pitch. Not currently implemented on all platforms.



property on_audio_single_envelope_value: OnAudioSingleEnvelopeValue

[Read-Write] On Audio Single Envelope Value



property on_audio_virtualization_changed: OnAudioVirtualizationChanged

[Read-Write] On Audio Virtualization Changed: Called when virtualization state changes



property override_attenuation: bool

[Read-Write] Override Attenuation: Allows defining attenuation settings directly on this audio component without using an attenuation settings asset.



property override_priority: bool

[Read-Write] Override Priority: Whether or not to override the priority of the given sound with the value provided.



property override_subtitle_priority: bool

[Read-Write] Override Subtitle Priority: Whether or not to override the sound’s subtitle priority.



property pitch_modulation_max: float

[Read-Write] Pitch Modulation Max: The upper bound to use when randomly determining a pitch multiplier



property pitch_modulation_min: float

[Read-Write] Pitch Modulation Min: The lower bound to use when randomly determining a pitch multiplier



property pitch_multiplier: float

[Read-Write] Pitch Multiplier: A pitch multiplier to apply to sounds generated by this component



property pitch_multiplier_max: float

‘pitch_multiplier_max’ was renamed to ‘pitch_modulation_max’.



property pitch_multiplier_min: float

‘pitch_multiplier_min’ was renamed to ‘pitch_modulation_min’.



play(start_time=0.000000) None

Begins playing the targeted Audio Component’s sound at the designated Start Time, seeking into a sound.


start_time (float) – The offset, in seconds, to begin reading the sound at

play_quantized(world_context_object, clock_handle, quantization_boundary, delegate, start_time=0.000000, fade_in_duration=0.000000, fade_volume_level=1.000000, fade_curve=AudioFaderCurve.LINEAR) -> (clock_handle=QuartzClockHandle, quantization_boundary=QuartzQuantizationBoundary)

Start a sound playing on an audio component on a given quantization boundary with the handle to an existing clock


clock_handle (QuartzClockHandle):

quantization_boundary (QuartzQuantizationBoundary):

Return type:


property priority: float

[Read-Write] Priority: If enabled, overrides the priority of the selected sound with the value provided.



reset_parameters() None

Resets all parameters to their original values.

set_audio_bus_send_post_effect(audio_bus, audio_bus_send_level) None

Sets how much audio the sound should send to the given Audio Bus (POST Source Effects). if the Audio Bus Send doesn’t already exist, it will be added to the overrides on the active sound.

  • audio_bus (AudioBus) – The Bus to send the signal to

  • audio_bus_send_level (float) – The scalar used to alter the volume of the copied signal

set_audio_bus_send_pre_effect(audio_bus, audio_bus_send_level) None

Sets how much audio the sound should send to the given Audio Bus (PRE Source Effects). if the Bus Send doesn’t already exist, it will be added to the overrides on the active sound.

  • audio_bus (AudioBus) – The Bus to send the signal to

  • audio_bus_send_level (float) – The scalar used to alter the volume of the copied signal

set_bool_array_parameter(name, value) None

Sets a named Boolean Array

set_bool_parameter(name, bool) None

Sets a named Boolean

set_float_array_parameter(name, value) None

Sets a named Float Array

set_float_parameter(name, float) None

Sets a named Float

set_int_array_parameter(name, value) None

Sets a named Int32 Array

set_int_parameter(name, int) None

Sets a named Int32

  • name (Name) –

  • int (int32) –

set_low_pass_filter_enabled(low_pass_filter_enabled) None

When set to TRUE, enables an additional Low Pass Filter Frequency to be calculated in with the sound instance’s LPF total, allowing designers to set filter settings for the targeted Audio Component’s sound instance.


low_pass_filter_enabled (bool) –

set_low_pass_filter_frequency(low_pass_filter_frequency) None

Sets a cutoff frequency, in Hz, for the targeted Audio Component’s sound’s Low Pass Filter calculation. The lowest cutoff frequency from all of the sound instance’s possible LPF calculations wins.


low_pass_filter_frequency (float) –

set_object_array_parameter(name, value) None

Sets a named UObject Array

set_object_parameter(name, value) None

Sets a named UObject

set_output_to_bus_only(output_to_bus_only) None

Sets whether or not to output the audio to bus only.


output_to_bus_only (bool) –

set_parameters_blueprint(parameters) None

Sets an array of parameters as a batch


parameters (Array[AudioParameter]) –

set_paused(pause) None

Pause an audio component playing its sound cue, issue any delegates if needed


pause (bool) –

set_pitch_multiplier(new_pitch_multiplier) None

Set a new pitch multiplier


new_pitch_multiplier (float) –

set_sound(new_sound) None

Set what sound is played by this component


new_sound (SoundBase) –

set_source_bus_send_post_effect(sound_source_bus, source_bus_send_level) None

Allows designers to target a specific Audio Component instance’s sound and set the send level (volume of sound copied) to the indicated Source Bus. If the Source Bus is not already part of the sound’s sends, the reference will be added to this instance’s Override sends. This particular send occurs after the Source Effect processing chain.

  • sound_source_bus (SoundSourceBus) – The Bus to send the signal to

  • source_bus_send_level (float) – The scalar used to alter the volume of the copied signal

set_source_bus_send_pre_effect(sound_source_bus, source_bus_send_level) None

Allows designers to target a specific Audio Component instance’s sound and set the send level (volume of sound copied) to the indicated Source Bus. If the Source Bus is not already part of the sound’s sends, the reference will be added to this instance’s Override sends. This particular send occurs before the Source Effect processing chain.

  • sound_source_bus (SoundSourceBus) – The Bus to send the signal to.

  • source_bus_send_level (float) – The scalar used to alter the volume of the copied signal.

set_string_array_parameter(name, value) None

Sets a named String Array

set_string_parameter(name, value) None

Sets a named String

set_submix_send(submix, send_level) None

Allows designers to target a specific Audio Component instance’s sound set the send level (volume of sound copied) to the indicated Submix.

  • submix (SoundSubmixBase) – The Submix to send the signal to.

  • send_level (float) – The scalar used to alter the volume of the copied signal.

set_trigger_parameter(name) None

Executes a named trigger. Does not cache trigger value, so only executes if the sound is already playing. If the intent is for the trigger to execute immediately (if playing) and be called on initialization for all future instances, call ‘SetBoolParameter’ with the intended initial trigger behavior (true if trigger desired on initialization, false if not).


name (Name) –

set_ui_sound(ui_sound) None

Set whether sounds generated by this audio component should be considered UI sounds


ui_sound (bool) –

set_volume_multiplier(new_volume_multiplier) None

Set a new volume multiplier


new_volume_multiplier (float) –

set_wave_parameter(name, wave) None

Sets the parameter matching the name indicated to the provided Wave. Provided for convenience/backward compatibility with SoundCues (The parameter interface supports any object and is up to the system querying it to determine whether it is a valid type).

  • name (Name) – The name of the parameter to assign the wave to.

  • wave (SoundWave) – The wave value to set.

property sound: SoundBase

[Read-Write] Sound: The sound to be played



property source_effect_chain: SoundEffectSourcePresetChain

[Read-Write] Source Effect Chain: The chain of Source Effects to apply to the sounds playing on the Audio Component



stop() None

Stop an audio component’s sound, issue any delegates if needed

stop_delayed(delay_time) None

Cues request to stop sound after the provided delay (in seconds), stopping immediately if delay is zero or negative


delay_time (float) –

property subtitle_priority: float

[Read-Write] Subtitle Priority: Used by the subtitle manager to prioritize subtitles wave instances spawned by this component.



property suppress_subtitles: bool

[Read-Write] Suppress Subtitles: If true, subtitles in the sound data will be ignored.



property volume_modulation_max: float

[Read-Write] Volume Modulation Max: The upper bound to use when randomly determining a volume multiplier



property volume_modulation_min: float

[Read-Write] Volume Modulation Min: The lower bound to use when randomly determining a volume multiplier



property volume_multiplier: float

[Read-Write] Volume Multiplier: A volume multiplier to apply to sounds generated by this component



property volume_multiplier_max: float

‘volume_multiplier_max’ was renamed to ‘volume_modulation_max’.



property volume_multiplier_min: float

‘volume_multiplier_min’ was renamed to ‘volume_modulation_min’.

