
class unreal.AttributeBasedFloat

Bases: StructBase

Struct representing a float whose magnitude is dictated by a backing attribute and a calculation policy, follows basic form of: (Coefficient * (PreMultiplyAdditiveValue + [Eval’d Attribute Value According to Policy])) + PostMultiplyAdditiveValue

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: GameplayAbilities

  • Module: GameplayAbilities

  • File: GameplayEffect.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • attribute_calculation_type (AttributeBasedFloatCalculationType): [Read-Write] Calculation policy in regards to the attribute

  • attribute_curve (CurveTableRowHandle): [Read-Write] If a curve table entry is specified, the attribute will be used as a lookup into the curve instead of using the attribute directly.

  • backing_attribute (GameplayEffectAttributeCaptureDefinition): [Read-Write] Attribute backing the calculation

  • coefficient (ScalableFloat): [Read-Write] Coefficient to the attribute calculation

  • final_channel (GameplayModEvaluationChannel): [Read-Write] Channel to terminate evaluation on when using AttributeEvaluatedUpToChannel calculation type

  • post_multiply_additive_value (ScalableFloat): [Read-Write] Additive value to the attribute calculation, added in after the coefficient applies

  • pre_multiply_additive_value (ScalableFloat): [Read-Write] Additive value to the attribute calculation, added in before the coefficient applies

  • source_tag_filter (GameplayTagContainer): [Read-Write] Filter to use on source tags; If specified, only modifiers applied with all of these tags will factor into the calculation

  • target_tag_filter (GameplayTagContainer): [Read-Write] Filter to use on target tags; If specified, only modifiers applied with all of these tags will factor into the calculation