
class unreal.AnimationStateEntry

Bases: StructBase

Animation State Entry

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: AnimationSharing

  • Module: AnimationSharing

  • File: AnimationSharingTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • additive (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not this state is an additive state

  • animation_setups (Array[AnimationSetup]): [Read-Write] Per state animation setup

  • blend_time (float): [Read-Write] Duration of blending when blending to this state

  • maximum_number_of_concurrent_instances (PerPlatformInt): [Read-Write] Number of instances that will be created for this state (platform-specific)

  • next_state (uint8): [Read-Write] State value to which the actors part of an on demand state should be set to when its animation has finished

  • on_demand (bool): [Read-Write] Flag whether or not this state is an on-demand state, this means that we kick off a unique animation when needed

  • requires_curves (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not this animation requires curves or morphtargets to function correctly for follower components

  • return_to_previous_state (bool): [Read-Write] Flag whether or not we should return to the previous state, only used when this state is an on-demand one

  • set_next_state (bool): [Read-Write]

  • state (uint8): [Read-Write] Enum value linked to this state

  • wiggle_time_percentage (float): [Read-Write] Percentage of ‘wiggle’ frames, this is used when we run out of available entries in Components, if one of the on-demand animations has started SequenceLength * WiggleFramePercentage ago or earlier,

    it is used instead of a brand new one