
class unreal.AnimationSharingScalability

Bases: StructBase

Animation Sharing Scalability

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: AnimationSharing

  • Module: AnimationSharing

  • File: AnimationSharingTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • blend_significance_value (PerPlatformFloat): [Read-Write] Blend Significance Value: Significance value tied to whether or not a transition should be blended

  • maximum_number_concurrent_blends (PerPlatformInt): [Read-Write] Maximum Number Concurrent Blends: Maximum number of blends which can be running concurrently

  • tick_significance_value (PerPlatformFloat): [Read-Write] Tick Significance Value: Significance value tied to whether or not the leader pose components should be ticking

  • use_blend_transitions (PerPlatformBool): [Read-Write] Use Blend Transitions: Flag whether or not to use blend transitions between states