- class unreal.AnimationLibrary(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')¶
Blueprint library for altering and analyzing animation / skeletal data
C++ Source:
Module: AnimationBlueprintLibrary
File: AnimationBlueprintLibrary.h
- classmethod add_animation_notify_event(animation_sequence_base, notify_track_name, start_time, notify_class) AnimNotify ¶
Adds an Animation Notify Event to Notify track in the given Animation with the given Notify creation data
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
start_time (float) –
- Return type:
- classmethod add_animation_notify_event_object(animation_sequence_base, start_time, notify, notify_track_name) None ¶
Adds an the specific Animation Notify to the Animation Sequence (requires Notify’s outer to be the Animation Sequence)
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
start_time (float) –
notify (AnimNotify) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
- classmethod add_animation_notify_state_event(animation_sequence_base, notify_track_name, start_time, duration, notify_state_class) AnimNotifyState ¶
Adds an Animation Notify State Event to Notify track in the given Animation with the given Notify State creation data
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- classmethod add_animation_notify_state_event_object(animation_sequence_base, start_time, duration, notify_state, notify_track_name) None ¶
Adds an the specific Animation Notify State to the Animation Sequence (requires Notify State’s outer to be the Animation Sequence)
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
start_time (float) –
duration (float) –
notify_state (AnimNotifyState) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
- classmethod add_animation_notify_track(animation_sequence_base, notify_track_name, track_color=[1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000]) None ¶
Adds an Animation Notify Track to the Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
track_color (LinearColor) –
- classmethod add_animation_sync_marker(animation_sequence, marker_name, time, notify_track_name) None ¶
Adds an Animation Sync Marker to Notify track in the given Animation with the corresponding Marker Name and Time
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
marker_name (Name) –
time (float) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
- classmethod add_curve(animation_sequence, curve_name, curve_type=RawCurveTrackTypes.RCT_FLOAT, meta_data_curve=False) None ¶
Adds an Animation Curve by Type and Name to the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
curve_name (Name) –
curve_type (RawCurveTrackTypes) –
meta_data_curve (bool) –
- classmethod add_float_curve_key(animation_sequence, curve_name, time, value) None ¶
Adds a Float Key to the specified Animation Curve inside of the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
curve_name (Name) –
time (float) –
value (float) –
- classmethod add_float_curve_keys(animation_sequence, curve_name, times, values) None ¶
Adds a multiple of Float Keys to the specified Animation Curve inside of the given Animation Sequence
- classmethod add_meta_data(animation_asset, meta_data_class) AnimMetaData ¶
Creates and Adds an instance of the specified MetaData Class to the given Animation Asset
- Parameters:
animation_asset (AnimationAsset) –
- Returns:
meta_data_instance (AnimMetaData):
- Return type:
- classmethod add_meta_data_object(animation_asset, meta_data_object) None ¶
Adds an instance of the specified MetaData Class to the given Animation Asset (requires MetaDataObject’s outer to be the Animation Asset)
- Parameters:
animation_asset (AnimationAsset) –
meta_data_object (AnimMetaData) –
- classmethod add_node_asset_override(anim_blueprint, target, override, print_applied_overrides=False) None ¶
Adds an Animation Asset override for the provided AnimationBlueprint, replacing any instance of Target with Override
- Parameters:
anim_blueprint (AnimBlueprint) – The Animation Blueprint to add/set the Override for
target (AnimationAsset) – The Animation Asset to add an override for (overrides all instances of the asset)
override (AnimationAsset) – The Animation Asset to used to override the Target with (types have to match)
print_applied_overrides (bool) – Flag whether or not to print the applied overrides
- classmethod add_transformation_curve_key(animation_sequence, curve_name, time, transform) None ¶
Adds a Transformation Key to the specified Animation Curve inside of the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
curve_name (Name) –
time (float) –
transform (Transform) –
- classmethod add_transformation_curve_keys(animation_sequence, curve_name, times, transforms) None ¶
Adds a multiple of Transformation Keys to the specified Animation Curve inside of the given Animation Sequence
- classmethod add_vector_curve_key(animation_sequence, curve_name, time, vector) None ¶
Adds a Vector Key to the specified Animation Curve inside of the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
curve_name (Name) –
time (float) –
vector (Vector) –
- classmethod add_vector_curve_keys(animation_sequence, curve_name, times, vectors) None ¶
Adds a multiple of Vector Keys to the specified Animation Curve inside of the given Animation Sequence
- classmethod add_virtual_bone(animation_sequence, source_bone_name, target_bone_name) Name ¶
Adds a Virtual Bone between the Source and Target Bones to the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
source_bone_name (Name) –
target_bone_name (Name) –
- Returns:
virtual_bone_name (Name):
- Return type:
- classmethod contains_meta_data_of_class(animation_asset, meta_data_class) bool ¶
Checks whether or not the given Animation Asset contains Meta Data Instance of the specified Meta Data Class
- Parameters:
animation_asset (AnimationAsset) –
- Return type:
- classmethod copy_anim_notifies_from_sequence(source_animation_sequence_base, destination_animation_sequence_base, delete_existing_notifies=False) None ¶
Copies animation notifies from Src Animation Sequence to Dest. Creates anim notify tracks as necessary. Returns true on success.
- Parameters:
source_animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
destination_animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
delete_existing_notifies (bool) –
- classmethod copy_animation_curve_names_to_skeleton(old_skeleton, new_skeleton, sequence_base, curve_type) None ¶
Ensures that any curve names that do not exist on the NewSkeleton are added to it, in which case the SmartName on the actual curve itself will also be updated
- Parameters:
old_skeleton (Skeleton) –
new_skeleton (Skeleton) –
sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
curve_type (RawCurveTrackTypes) –
- classmethod does_bone_name_exist(animation_sequence, bone_name) bool ¶
Checks whether or not the given Bone Name exist on the Skeleton referenced by the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
bone_name (Name) –
- Returns:
exists (bool):
- Return type:
- classmethod does_curve_exist(animation_sequence, curve_name, curve_type) bool ¶
Checks whether or not the given Curve Name exist on the Skeleton referenced by the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
curve_name (Name) –
curve_type (RawCurveTrackTypes) –
- Return type:
- classmethod evaluate_root_bone_timecode_attributes_at_time(animation_sequence_base, eval_time) QualifiedTime or None ¶
Evaluates timecode attributes (e.g. “TCFrame”, “TCSecond”, etc.) of the root bone and returns the resulting qualified frame time. return:: true if the root bone had timecode attributes that could be evaluated and a qualified frame time was set, or false otherwise.
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
eval_time (float) –
- Returns:
out_qualified_frame_time (QualifiedTime):
- Return type:
QualifiedTime or None
- classmethod evaluate_root_bone_timecode_subframe_attribute_at_time(animation_sequence_base, eval_time) float or None ¶
Evaluates the subframe timecode attribute (e.g. “TCSubframe”) of the root bone and returns the resulting value.
Since the subframe component of FFrameTime is clamped to the range [0.0, 1.0), it cannot accurately represent the use case where the timecode metadata represents subframe values as whole numbered subframes instead of as a percentage of a frame the way the engine does. The subframe component of the FQualifiedFrameTime returned by EvaluateRootBoneTimecodeAttributesAtTime() may not reflect the authored subframe metadata in that case.
This function allows access to the subframe values that were actually authored in the timecode metadata. return:: true if the root bone had a subframe timecode attribute that could be evaluated and a value was set, or false otherwise.
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
eval_time (float) –
- Returns:
out_subframe (float):
- Return type:
float or None
- classmethod finalize_bone_animation(animation_sequence) None ¶
Finalize Bone Animation deprecated: FinalizeBoneAnimation has been deprecated, use UAnimDataController instead
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- classmethod find_bone_path_to_root(animation_sequence_base, bone_name) Array[Name] ¶
Finds the Bone Path from the given Bone to the Root Bone
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
bone_name (Name) –
- Returns:
bone_path (Array[Name]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_additive_animation_type(animation_sequence) AdditiveAnimationType ¶
Retrieves the Additive Animation type for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- Returns:
additive_animation_type (AdditiveAnimationType):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_additive_base_pose_type(animation_sequence) AdditiveBasePoseType ¶
Retrieves the Additive Base Pose type for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- Returns:
additive_base_pose_type (AdditiveBasePoseType):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_anim_notify_event_duration(notify_event) float ¶
Returns the duration for a NotifyEvent, only non-zero for Anim Notify States
- Parameters:
notify_event (AnimNotifyEvent) –
- Return type:
- classmethod get_anim_notify_event_trigger_time(notify_event) float ¶
Returns the actual trigger time for a NotifyEvent
- Parameters:
notify_event (AnimNotifyEvent) –
- Return type:
- classmethod get_animation_curve_names(animation_sequence, curve_type) Array[Name] ¶
Retrieves the Names of the individual float curves for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
curve_type (RawCurveTrackTypes) –
- Returns:
curve_names (Array[Name]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_animation_graphs(animation_blueprint) Array[AnimationGraph] ¶
Returns all Animation Graphs contained by the provided Animation Blueprint
- Parameters:
animation_blueprint (AnimBlueprint) –
- Returns:
animation_graphs (Array[AnimationGraph]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_animation_interpolation_type(animation_sequence) AnimInterpolationType ¶
Retrieves the Animation Interpolation type for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- Returns:
interpolation_type (AnimInterpolationType):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_animation_notify_event_names(animation_sequence_base) Array[Name] ¶
Retrieves all Unique Animation Notify Events found within the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
- Returns:
event_names (Array[Name]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_animation_notify_events(animation_sequence_base) Array[AnimNotifyEvent] ¶
Retrieves all Animation Notify Events found within the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
- Returns:
notify_events (Array[AnimNotifyEvent]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_animation_notify_events_for_track(animation_sequence_base, notify_track_name) Array[AnimNotifyEvent] ¶
Retrieves all Animation Notify Events for the given Notify Track Name from the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
- Returns:
events (Array[AnimNotifyEvent]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_animation_notify_track_names(animation_sequence_base) Array[Name] ¶
Retrieves all Unique Animation Notify Track Names found within the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
- Returns:
track_names (Array[Name]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_animation_sync_markers(animation_sequence) Array[AnimSyncMarker] ¶
Retrieves all the Animation Sync Markers for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- Returns:
markers (Array[AnimSyncMarker]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_animation_sync_markers_for_track(animation_sequence, notify_track_name) Array[AnimSyncMarker] ¶
Retrieves all Animation Sync Markers for the given Notify Track Name from the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
- Returns:
markers (Array[AnimSyncMarker]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_animation_track_names(animation_sequence_base) Array[Name] ¶
Retrieves the Names of the individual ATracks for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
- Returns:
track_names (Array[Name]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_bone_compression_settings(animation_sequence) AnimBoneCompressionSettings ¶
Retrieves the Bone Compression Settings for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- Returns:
compression_settings (AnimBoneCompressionSettings):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_bone_pose_for_frame(animation_sequence_base, bone_name, frame, extract_root_motion) Transform ¶
Get Bone Pose for Frame
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
bone_name (Name) –
frame (int32) –
extract_root_motion (bool) –
- Returns:
pose (Transform):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_bone_pose_for_time(animation_sequence_base, bone_name, time, extract_root_motion) Transform ¶
Get Bone Pose for Time
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
bone_name (Name) –
time (float) –
extract_root_motion (bool) –
- Returns:
pose (Transform):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_bone_poses_for_frame(animation_sequence_base, bone_names, frame, extract_root_motion, preview_mesh=None) Array[Transform] ¶
Get Bone Poses for Frame
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
frame (int32) –
extract_root_motion (bool) –
preview_mesh (SkeletalMesh) –
- Returns:
poses (Array[Transform]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_bone_poses_for_time(animation_sequence_base, bone_names, time, extract_root_motion, preview_mesh=None) Array[Transform] ¶
Get Bone Poses for Time
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
time (float) –
extract_root_motion (bool) –
preview_mesh (SkeletalMesh) –
- Returns:
poses (Array[Transform]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_curve_compression_settings(animation_sequence) AnimCurveCompressionSettings ¶
Retrieves the Curve Compression Settings for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- Returns:
compression_settings (AnimCurveCompressionSettings):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_float_keys(animation_sequence, curve_name) -> (times=Array[float], values=Array[float])¶
Retrieves, a multiple of, Float Key(s) from the specified Animation Curve inside of the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
curve_name (Name) –
- Returns:
times (Array[float]):
values (Array[float]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_frame_at_time(animation_sequence_base, time) int32 ¶
Retrieves the Frame Index at the specified Time Value for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
time (float) –
- Returns:
frame (int32):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_meta_data(animation_asset) Array[AnimMetaData] ¶
Retrieves all Meta Data Instances from the given Animation Asset
- Parameters:
animation_asset (AnimationAsset) –
- Returns:
meta_data (Array[AnimMetaData]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_meta_data_of_class(animation_asset, meta_data_class) Array[AnimMetaData] ¶
Retrieves all Meta Data Instances from the given Animation Asset
- Parameters:
animation_asset (AnimationAsset) –
- Returns:
meta_data_of_class (Array[AnimMetaData]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_montage_slot_names(animation_montage) Array[Name] ¶
Retrieves the Names of the Animation Slots used in the given Montage
- Parameters:
animation_montage (AnimMontage) –
- Returns:
slot_names (Array[Name]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_nodes_of_class(animation_blueprint, node_class, include_child_classes=True) Array[AnimGraphNode_Base] ¶
Returns all Animation Graph Nodes of the provided Node Class contained by the Animation Blueprint
- Parameters:
animation_blueprint (AnimBlueprint) –
include_child_classes (bool) –
- Returns:
graph_nodes (Array[AnimGraphNode_Base]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_num_frames(animation_sequence_base) int32 ¶
Retrieves the number of animation frames for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
- Returns:
num_frames (int32):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_num_keys(animation_sequence_base) int32 ¶
Retrieves the number of animation keys for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
- Returns:
num_keys (int32):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_rate_scale(animation_sequence_base) float ¶
Retrieves the (Play) Rate Scale of the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
- Returns:
rate_scale (float):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_raw_track_data(animation_sequence_base, track_name) -> (position_keys=Array[Vector], rotation_keys=Array[Quat], scaling_keys=Array[Vector])¶
Get Raw Track Data
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
track_name (Name) –
- Returns:
position_keys (Array[Vector]):
rotation_keys (Array[Quat]):
scaling_keys (Array[Vector]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_raw_track_position_data(animation_sequence_base, track_name) Array[Vector] ¶
Get Raw Track Position Data
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
track_name (Name) –
- Returns:
position_data (Array[Vector]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_raw_track_rotation_data(animation_sequence_base, track_name) Array[Quat] ¶
Get Raw Track Rotation Data
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
track_name (Name) –
- Returns:
rotation_data (Array[Quat]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_raw_track_scale_data(animation_sequence_base, track_name) Array[Vector] ¶
Get Raw Track Scale Data
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
track_name (Name) –
- Returns:
scale_data (Array[Vector]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_root_motion_lock_type(animation_sequence) RootMotionRootLock ¶
Retrieves the Root Motion Lock Type for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- Returns:
lock_type (RootMotionRootLock):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_sequence_length(animation_sequence_base) float ¶
Retrieves the Length of the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
- Returns:
length (float):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_time_at_frame(animation_sequence_base, frame) float ¶
Retrieves the Time Value at the specified Frame Indexfor the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
frame (int32) –
- Returns:
time (float):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_transformation_keys(animation_sequence, curve_name) -> (times=Array[float], values=Array[Transform])¶
Retrieves, a multiple of, Transformation Key(s) from the specified Animation Curve inside of the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
curve_name (Name) –
- Returns:
times (Array[float]):
values (Array[Transform]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_unique_marker_names(animation_sequence) Array[Name] ¶
Retrieves all the Unique Names for the Animation Sync Markers contained by the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- Returns:
marker_names (Array[Name]):
- Return type:
- classmethod get_vector_keys(animation_sequence, curve_name) -> (times=Array[float], values=Array[Vector])¶
Retrieves, a multiple of, Vector Key(s) from the specified Animation Curve inside of the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
curve_name (Name) –
- Returns:
times (Array[float]):
values (Array[Vector]):
- Return type:
- classmethod is_root_motion_enabled(animation_sequence) bool ¶
Checks whether or not Root Motion is Enabled for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- Return type:
- classmethod is_root_motion_lock_forced(animation_sequence) bool ¶
Checks whether or not Root Motion locking is Forced for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- Return type:
- classmethod is_valid_anim_notify_track_name(animation_sequence_base, notify_track_name) bool ¶
Checks whether or not the given Track Name is a valid Animation Notify Track in the Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
- Return type:
- classmethod is_valid_animation_sync_marker_name(animation_sequence, marker_name) bool ¶
Checks whether or not the given Marker Name is a valid Animation Sync Marker Name
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
marker_name (Name) –
- Return type:
- classmethod is_valid_raw_animation_track_name(animation_sequence_base, track_name) bool ¶
Checks whether or not the given Animation Track Name is contained within the Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
track_name (Name) –
- Return type:
- classmethod is_valid_time(animation_sequence_base, time) bool ¶
Checks whether or not the given Time Value lies within the given Animation Sequence’s Length
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
time (float) –
- Returns:
is_valid (bool):
- Return type:
- classmethod remove_all_animation_notify_tracks(animation_sequence_base) None ¶
Removes All Animation Notify Tracks from Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
- classmethod remove_all_animation_sync_markers(animation_sequence) None ¶
Removes All Animation Sync Markers found within the Animation Sequence, and returns the number of removed instances
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- classmethod remove_all_bone_animation(animation_sequence) None ¶
Removes all Animation Bone Track Data from the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- classmethod remove_all_curve_data(animation_sequence) None ¶
Removes all Animation Curve Data from the given Animation Sequence (Raw Animation Curves [Names] may not be removed from the Skeleton)
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- classmethod remove_all_meta_data(animation_asset) None ¶
Removes all Meta Data from the given Animation Asset
- Parameters:
animation_asset (AnimationAsset) –
- classmethod remove_all_virtual_bones(animation_sequence) None ¶
Removes all Virtual Bones from the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- classmethod remove_animation_notify_events_by_name(animation_sequence_base, notify_name) int32 ¶
Removes Animation Notify Events found by Name within the Animation Sequence, and returns the number of removed name instances
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
notify_name (Name) –
- Return type:
- classmethod remove_animation_notify_events_by_track(animation_sequence_base, notify_track_name) int32 ¶
Removes Animation Notify Events found by Track within the Animation Sequence, and returns the number of removed name instances
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
- Return type:
- classmethod remove_animation_notify_track(animation_sequence_base, notify_track_name) None ¶
Removes an Animation Notify Track from Animation Sequence by Name
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
- classmethod remove_animation_sync_markers_by_name(animation_sequence, marker_name) int32 ¶
Removes All Animation Sync Marker found within the Animation Sequence whose name matches MarkerName, and returns the number of removed instances
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
marker_name (Name) –
- Return type:
- classmethod remove_animation_sync_markers_by_track(animation_sequence, notify_track_name) int32 ¶
Removes All Animation Sync Marker found within the Animation Sequence that belong to the specific Notify Track, and returns the number of removed instances
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
notify_track_name (Name) –
- Return type:
- classmethod remove_bone_animation(animation_sequence, bone_name, include_children=True, finalize=True) None ¶
Removes an Animation Curve by Name from the given Animation Sequence (Raw Animation Curves [Names] may not be removed from the Skeleton)
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) – : AnimSequence
bone_name (Name) – : Name of bone track user wants to remove
include_children (bool) – : true if user wants to include all children of BoneName
finalize (bool) – : If you set this to true, it will trigger compression. If you set bFinalize to be false, you’ll have to manually trigger Finalize.
- classmethod remove_curve(animation_sequence, curve_name, remove_name_from_skeleton=False) None ¶
Removes an Animation Curve by Name from the given Animation Sequence (Raw Animation Curves [Names] may not be removed from the Skeleton)
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
curve_name (Name) –
remove_name_from_skeleton (bool) –
- classmethod remove_meta_data(animation_asset, meta_data_object) None ¶
Removes the specified Meta Data Instance from the given Animation Asset
- Parameters:
animation_asset (AnimationAsset) –
meta_data_object (AnimMetaData) –
- classmethod remove_meta_data_of_class(animation_asset, meta_data_class) None ¶
Removes all Meta Data Instance of the specified Class from the given Animation Asset
- Parameters:
animation_asset (AnimationAsset) –
- classmethod remove_virtual_bone(animation_sequence, virtual_bone_name) None ¶
Removes a Virtual Bone with the specified Bone Name from the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
virtual_bone_name (Name) –
- classmethod remove_virtual_bones(animation_sequence, virtual_bone_names) None ¶
Removes Virtual Bones with the specified Bone Names from the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
- classmethod replace_anim_notifies(animation_sequence_base, old_notify_class, new_notify_class, on_notify_replaced) None ¶
Replaces animation notifies in the specified Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
on_notify_replaced (OnNotifyReplaced) –
- classmethod replace_anim_notify_states(animation_sequence_base, old_notify_class, new_notify_class, on_notify_state_replaced) None ¶
Replaces animation notifies in the specified Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
on_notify_state_replaced (OnNotifyStateReplaced) –
- classmethod set_additive_animation_type(animation_sequence, additive_animation_type) None ¶
Sets the Additive Animation type for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
additive_animation_type (AdditiveAnimationType) –
- classmethod set_additive_base_pose_type(animation_sequence, additive_base_pose_type) None ¶
Sets the Additive Base Pose type for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
additive_base_pose_type (AdditiveBasePoseType) –
- classmethod set_animation_interpolation_type(animation_sequence, interpolation_type) None ¶
Sets the Animation Interpolation type for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
interpolation_type (AnimInterpolationType) –
- classmethod set_bone_compression_settings(animation_sequence, compression_settings) None ¶
Sets the Bone Compression Settings for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
compression_settings (AnimBoneCompressionSettings) –
- classmethod set_curve_compression_settings(animation_sequence, compression_settings) None ¶
Sets the Curve Compression Settings for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
compression_settings (AnimCurveCompressionSettings) –
- classmethod set_is_root_motion_lock_forced(animation_sequence, forced) None ¶
Sets whether or not Root Motion locking is Forced for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
forced (bool) –
- classmethod set_rate_scale(animation_sequence_base, rate_scale) None ¶
Sets the (Play) Rate Scale for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence_base (AnimSequenceBase) –
rate_scale (float) –
- classmethod set_root_motion_enabled(animation_sequence, enabled) None ¶
Sets whether or not Root Motion is Enabled for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
enabled (bool) –
- classmethod set_root_motion_lock_type(animation_sequence, root_motion_lock_type) None ¶
Sets the Root Motion Lock Type for the given Animation Sequence
- Parameters:
animation_sequence (AnimSequence) –
root_motion_lock_type (RootMotionRootLock) –